strong weight lifting woman
Pushing yourself until you can't lift another rep may maximize muscle growth, but it can also put you at risk of injury and fatigue.
Mikel Taboada/Getty Images
  • Working out to failure (or, until you can't do another rep of an exercise) may boost fitness gains.
  • However, it can increase your risk of injury, and potentially worsen fatigue and muscle soreness.
  • An expert said you can get the best fitness results by training to failure sparingly, if it all.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Working out to failure is a common point of pride among gym rats, who thrive on pushing through as much exercise as possible until they physically can't do another rep.

If that sounds like a nightmare, you're in luck – you don't need to exercise yourself to exhaustion to get results. Although it can be a helpful tool, according to Jessica Mazzucco, a New York City based personal trainer, it should be done carefully to avoid side effects.

"Working out to failure can be beneficial if your body can still maintain exercising several times a week. Overdoing maximum effort can leave your body feeling sluggish and put your muscles at risk of severe injuries," Mazzucco told Insider.

To get the most of exercising to failure while avoiding burnout or injury, it's important to use it strategically by planning ahead, allowing enough rest, and not overtraining.

Pushing your muscles to failure can help maximize growth

There's good evidence to suggest that training to failure creates more muscle stimulation, which could potentially boost improvements to muscle strength and size.

"Exercising to failure can fully activate your muscles and lead to more muscle growth," Mazzucco said.

It works by maximizing the stress and tension on the muscle fibers, which prompts them to adapt as the body builds them back stronger and larger.

However, in order for this to work there needs to be enough time for recovery, during which the rebuilding occurs.

"Training to failure once a week, when you have extra energy, can form tiny tears in the muscles that lead to growth when repaired," Mazzucco said. "Always be sure to allow yourself proper time to recover."

Most people can benefit from less intense exercise

Despite the potential benefits of training to failure, it's not a requirement if you want to get stronger or more muscular.

"You can still see progress in the gym by exercising regularly at moderate intensity," Mazzucco said.

Training to failure may even backfire, if it means sacrificing proper form in the movements. One study found that athletes who trained to failure showed slower improvements in strength and muscle mass, and more fatigue.

For the average casual gym-goer, you don't need to exhaust yourself to gain strength, build muscle, or lose weight. You don't even necessarily have to be sore afterward.

"When it comes to weight loss or strength improvements, people can see results by performing simple cardio and low-resistance strength exercises," Mazzucco said.

Moderation is key

If you do want to push yourself to your absolute limit, Mazzucco recommends doing so no more than once or twice a week. Save those workouts for days that you're feeling energized and getting adequate food and sleep, and don't try it if you're already sore or plan to hit the gym again tomorrow.

"Avoid this type of training if your body is feeling weak or you do not have a rest day planned soon," Mazzucco said.

Take plenty of time after a hard session to rest, and pay attention to how your body feels to make sure you aren't overtraining. If you notice that you're struggling to keep up with workouts or feeling more fatigued that usual, that's a sign to step back and stick to more moderate workouts, according to Mazzucco.

"This type of training should not stop you from being able to work out to your usual intensity," she said.

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