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- You can run while pregnant, as long as you ran before your pregnancy.
- If you do run while pregnant, you should decrease your pace and distance to reduce fatigue.
- To run safely while pregnant, you should also invest in a good pair of running shoes and run on even terrain.
- This article was medically reviewed by Olivia P. Myrick, MD, who is a clinical assistant professor with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU Langone.
- Visit Insider’s Health Reference library for more advice.
Pregnancy comes with a lot of bodily changes, and you might be wondering what kind of physical activity is safe and what isn’t.
For the most part, if you were a runner before you got pregnant, you can continue running during pregnancy. Here’s what you need to know about running while pregnant and how to do it safely.
It’s important to exercise while pregnant
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for pregnant women. This can include running or another workout that raises your heart rate and makes you sweat, says Daniel Roshan, MD, OB-GYN at Rosh Maternal and Fetal Medicine in New York.
“There are multiple studies that show a correlation between moderate exercise during pregnancy and positive outcomes for mom and baby during pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period,” Roshan says.
Some of the benefits of exercising during pregnancy include:
- Reduced risk of gestational diabetes
- Reduced risk of preeclampsia — a serious condition characterized by high blood pressure
- Better control of weight gain
- Strengthens your heart and blood vessels
- Reduced back pain
- Less constipation
Can you run while pregnant?
If you were a runner before you got pregnant, you can continue to run safely during pregnancy, says Kecia Gaither, MD, OB-GYN, the director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln.
But if you aren't accustomed to running, you shouldn't start during pregnancy. That's because running is a high-intensity exercise and could put more stress on the body if it's not something you're used to. Additionally, exercising at a level you're not accustomed to while pregnant could make you feel winded or dizzy. That's because low blood pressure and a higher rate are normal physiological changes caused by pregnancy.
Pregnant women who weren't physically active before pregnancy can still benefit from low-impact exercise during pregnancy, like:
Risks of running while pregnant
Before engaging in any kind of exercise while pregnant, you should consult with your doctor, Gaither says. Even if you were a runner before and want to continue running, your doctor can help you adjust your level of physical activity as your pregnancy progresses.
If you do decide to continue running during pregnancy, there are some risks you should be aware of, including:
- Falling. As your belly grows, it can throw off your center of gravity, Gaither says, which can affect your balance. Falling, especially if you land on your abdomen, can result in placental abruption — a serious condition in which the placenta detaches inside your body, depriving the fetus of oxygen.
- Loose joints and ligaments. During pregnancy, your body produces the hormone relaxin, which causes your joints and ligaments to become loose in preparation for childbirth. This can increase your risk of injury, Roshan says, so make sure to start slowly and warm your body up with a brisk walk before running.
"It is very important for pregnant women to pay attention to their surroundings and to run or exercise in places as free of hazards as possible," Roshan says.
How to run safely while pregnant
The most important thing to keep in mind if you decide to continue running while pregnant is to listen to your body, Roshan says. You may need to decrease the pace or distance you were running before and not push yourself to exhaustion.
Other ways to improve comfort and safety while running include:
- Investing in high-quality running shoes. This is a good rule of thumb for anyone who wants to run, but is especially important for pregnant people, Roshan says. High-quality running shoes can help support loose, more mobile joints and ligaments and reduce the risk of injury. To find the best running shoe for you, Roshan recommends visiting a running store where someone can provide a proper assessment.
- Incorporating strength training into your exercise regimen. Strength training during pregnancy can increase muscular stability and build endurance, Roshan says, which may lower your risk of injury.
- Wearing a belly band. Designed to support your abdomen and lower back, belly bands are flexible garments that sit under your growing belly. Wearing a belly band can help alleviate the pelvic pressure that running can cause, Roshan says.
When should you stop running while pregnant?
As long as you are feeling good and not experiencing any health complications, you can run during your entire pregnancy, right up until you deliver, Roshan says. However, many people do find that they need to taper off toward the end of their pregnancies as they become more uncomfortable.
If you do experience discomfort running while pregnant, you can switch to a low-impact alternative, like walking. Stop running and contact your OB if you experience any of these symptoms:
- Abdominal pain and cramping
- Dizziness
- Vaginal bleeding or leakage of fluid
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Uterine contractions
The bottom line
Physical activity during pregnancy offers many health benefits for both mom and baby, but it's important to consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. If you were a runner before you got pregnant, you'll probably be able to continue running during your pregnancy, but may need to take some more precautions to reduce your risk of injury.
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