The Conservative party is in line to win by a landslide victory in an early general election, which will take place on June 8, according to fresh polling data.

Both The Times and The Daily Telegraph released information related to voting intentions and predictions for the next general election, at midnight.

    The Conservative party is predicted to win by a majority of more than 100 seats, said The Times. One of Britain’s most respected pollsters, Professor John Curtice from Strathclyde University, told the Telegraph that the Tories are tipped to win an estimated 375 seats – double the 189 seats the main opposition Labour would pick up. This, again, is a prediction of a majority worth more than 100 seats.

This set of polling related information is the first to be released after Prime Minister Theresa May called for an early general election. May announced that an election will take place in just six weeks’ time on June 8, saying it is in “the national interest” to do so.

The prime minister added that she would put a motion to parliament on Wednesday calling on MPs to vote in favour of a snap election. May said an election victory for the Conservatives would “guarantee certainty and stability for the years” and give her the public support to deliver her policies, including Britain’s imminent departure from the European Union.

And the polls are in line with those taken before May’s call for a snap general election.

A YouGov survey published on Sunday night showed that 44% of Brits intends to vote for the Tories at the next election, up 2% on the company's last poll. 23% of respondents said they plan to vote Labour. Labour would need a massive shift in public sentiment to win a June election, these polls suggest.

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