- Knowing exactly what to pack in your carry-on for a long haul flight can be tricky. You only have so much room in your bag, but going without your carry-on essentials on a long flight can be excruciating.
- When I traveled recently with United Airlines from Guam to New York, it took about 24 hours including layovers.
- While I made sure to pack everything I needed to stay entertained during my flights, I didn’t think to pack overnight essentials like a toothbrush or deodorant.
- Since this is a trip I plan to take often, I made a list of things I’m glad I brought in my carry-on bag and other things I longed for during this 3-leg trip.
- I’ll be sure to bring everything on this long-haul flight packing list next time, and you can, too.
- Here are 12 things you should bring in your carry-on for your next long-haul flight.
- Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.
When I flew from Guam to New York, it took 24 hours and included three flights and two layovers.
Foto: I flew from Guam to Hawaii to Texas to New York.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
I brought everything I needed to keep myself busy for such a long trip …
Foto: I brought entertainment essentials.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
… but there are some items that would have made the trip more comfortable without taking up much more space in my carry-on.
Foto: I was uncomfortably sweaty in Hawaii.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
I wish I brought my refillable water bottle with me on this trip. I didn’t because I thought it would take up too much space in my bag …
Foto: I bought this refillable water bottle in the San Francisco airport and I’ve been using it ever since.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
… but I didn’t think about the fact that hydration is a necessity, and I’d need to purchase a plastic water bottle during my trip anyway. The air on flights is also very dehydrating, and I felt that acutely on this trip.
Foto: I could have saved the environment and $4, but I didn’t.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
Source: Insider
So I’m glad I brought lip balm to keep my lips from getting dry.
Foto: I prefer Glossier’s Balm Dotcom to keep my lips moisturized.sourceGlossier
But there are other toiletries I wish I had with me, like lotion, which was provided in the bathroom on one of my flights but not the other two.
Foto: My flight from Guam to Hawaii had hand cream and face mist in the bathroom.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
I don’t normally go 24 hours without brushing my teeth, and if you don’t either, I’d suggest bringing a toothbrush.
Foto: I sure wish I had a toothbrush.sourceRoss D. Franklin/AP Images
Being in and out of slumber all day made my mouth taste and smell bad. I wish I had tossed my toothbrush into my carry-on for this trip.
Foto: My teeth on a fresher day.sourceJoey Hadden/Business Insider
But at least I had gum — though it didn’t satisfy my craving for fresh, clean teeth.
Foto: Having gum also kept my ears popping when taking off and landing on each flight.sourceBlinkAndMissIt/Flickr
I knew I’d get sweaty since I was traveling through tropical climates, so I’m glad I brought a change of clothes.
Foto: I brought a fresh t-shirt and undergarments.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
Changing during my layover in Hawaii made me feel a little fresher for my next flight …
Foto: I felt fresher after changing.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
… but deodorant would have made me feel even cleaner. I’ll grab a stick next time I make this trek.
Foto: I wish I brought deodorant with me in my carry-on.sourceVolkova Vera/Shutterstock
I wish I brought Advil, too. Dry air on planes can cause migraines, according to Business Insider.
Foto: Advil would have minimized my headaches.sourceCrystal Cox/Business Insider
Source: Business Insider
And I definitely experienced some headaches throughout my trip.
Foto: Ouch.sourceJoey Hadden/Business Insider
Thankfully my step-grandma gifted me this neck pillow for Christmas.
Foto: I don’t know how I ever flew without a neck pillow.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
It’s not your average neck pillow — it wraps around your neck 1.5 times. This makes it much easier to find a comfortable position to sleep in a tiny plane seat.
Foto: I’ll never fly without a neck pillow again.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
But a sleep mask would have been a total game-changer. If I had one of these, I’m sure I would have been able to nap on all three of my flights.
Foto: If I had a sleep mask, I could have pretended I was home in bed.sourceiStock
Since I wasn’t able to nap, it’s a good thing I brought my own iPad with movies and shows downloaded on it. None of my flights had tablets on the backs of seats, so this was a necessity.
Foto: My uncle gave me this iPad the day before I left for Guam and it saved my life.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
I also downloaded magazine issues to read because I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied with just TV as entertainment for 24 hours.
Foto: I downloaded six issues of the New Yorker for my trip.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
With all this power being used, I’m also glad I brought an external battery to charge my phone and iPad.
Foto: My external battery came in handy on this trip.sourceEduardo Munoz/Reuters
Lastly, I’m really glad I brought my own meal for the first flight.
Foto: King’s is a local favorite on Guam.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
Although it’s a pretty long flight, traveling from Guam to Hawaii isn’t technically flying internationally, so United Airlines flights won’t provide a free meal.
Foto: I had fried rice and pancakes.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider
Source: Business Insider
Having a heavy meal on my first flight also helped put me right to sleep.
Foto: I took a nap during my first flight.sourceJoey Hadden/Business Insider
With a career in New York and a family on Guam, I’ll be taking this trip pretty frequently throughout my life.
Foto: My family at the airport on Guam.sourceJoey Hadden/Business Insider
And I’ll definitely bring these additional items in my carry-on in the future to make for a nicer traveling experience.
Foto: I’ll never make this trek without these items again.sourceJoey Hadden/Insider