- Peripheral artery disease is when plaque builds up in the arteries leading away from the heart.
- Peripheral artery disease mainly occurs in the arteries leading to extremities, such as the legs, narrowing those arteries and impairing blood flow.
- It’s important to recognize peripheral artery disease early to treat it properly – otherwise, it can lead to more dangerous conditions like coronary artery disease, result in infection, or in rare cases, amputation.
- This article was medically reviewed by Purvi Parwani, MD, cardiologist and director of the Women’s Heart Health Clinic at Loma Linda University International Heart Institute.
- Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition where plaque builds up in the arteries leading away from the heart, mainly in the arteries leading to extremities. This narrows the arteries and impairs blood flow to the limbs – most commonly the legs.
While PAD is easily treatable, it can be dangerous if it isn’t recognized early. Severe cases can result in infections or even amputation. PAD is also associated with a greater risk of coronary artery disease, which reduces blood flow in the narrowed arteries leading to the heart or brain and can ultimately lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Here’s what you need to know to catch PAD early and which treatment methods might be best for you.
How to know if you have peripheral artery disease
In the US, about 8.5 million people have PAD. Cramping, pain, and fatigue are all common symptoms, but they’re often ascribed to other conditions or illnesses.
According to Mark C. Vives, MD, Medical Director of the Virginia Heart Peripheral Vascular Lab, patients often report leg pain in a specific muscle group, such as the calf muscles. This frequently occurs after a predictable level of effort, like walking up stairs, and resolves after stopping the activity that brought it on.
However, half of patients won't present obvious symptoms. Vives says those patients can improve their chances of early diagnosis by being transparent with their physician about any risk factors that might indicate PAD as a problem.
Risk factors to look out for include old age, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in three Americans over age 50 with diabetes are likely to develop PAD. And if you smoke or used to smoke, your risk of PAD is four times higher compared to those who haven't frequently. African-Americans are also twice as likely to get PAD compared to Caucasians, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
How to treat peripheral artery disease
PAD is easy to test for and easily treatable: measurements of blood pressures in the limbs, sonography, and even invasive procedures like contrast imaging of the arteries are used to confirm a diagnosis. Common treatments for PAD work to lower cholesterol, thin the blood, and manage contributing factors like high blood pressure.
As with most treatments for heart disease, lifestyle changes are important. "Quitting tobacco is crucial," says Vives. "If the patient is able to do so, medically supervised regular exercise can meaningfully improve symptoms without having to move on to more invasive procedures."
In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to improve blood flow. "This can often be achieved with a vascular intervention to open up the artery with a minimally invasive catheter procedure, but more severely affected patients may require open vascular surgery," says Vives.
Not getting treatment quickly enough increases the likelihood of serious consequences. According to Vives, the most critical cases - when PAD is already advanced before it's treated - can result in recurrent infections, death of tissue, and even loss of an entire limb. From 2000 to 2008, about 6.8% of US adults hospitalized with PAD had a lower extremity amputation procedure (this number has been declining).
Vives says that early identification and treatment is increasingly common, and most patients catch PAD early and experience minimal impact on their lives.
"The last 25 years doctors have adopted a much more aggressive medical strategy so that patients identified with PAD early can avoid more dramatic complications, such as the need for amputation," says Vives. "This is why taking the first step - interacting with the physician to determine if PAD might be present - is so critical."
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