woman applying sunscreen or moisturizer to face
Apply sunscreen to your face daily before applying makeup.
JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images
  • Applying Vaseline or petroleum jelly all over your face one a week can heal dry skin.
  • Dermatologist Dr. Muneeb Shah told Insider "slugging" is a common hack recommended by dermatologists during the winter.
  • Slugging once a week reduces inflammation, redness, and acne over time.

Colder weather means dryer skin for many of us as winter approaches.

Dermatologist Dr. Muneeb Shah, known as @dermdoc to his 10.9 million followers on TikTok, told Insider "slugging," or applying Vaseline all of your face, can be a great way to lock in moisture and heal dry skin during the cold weather months.

While the idea of applying Vaseline directly to your pores may seem daunting, Shah says it can protect your skin from cracking or drying out.

"Applying like a thin layer of Vaseline or Cerave healing ointment over those things can really just help to allow your skin to restore itself," Shah said.

Dry skin can lead to cracks, inflammation, and worsened acne

Aside from discomfort and flakiness, dry skin can lead to worse skincare issues down the line. Leaving it untreated during the winter months can damage your skin and worsen existing problems.

"When your skin is dried, it's basically a little crack, kind of like a dry river bed between your skin cells, which can open you to redness and inflammation to make acne worse," Shah said.

Slugging one a week can allow your skin to repair itself over time

Shah recommends slugging once a week before you go to bed to restore moisture to your face and repair the cracks in your skin.

If you use retinol or another chemical exfoliator, Shah said it's important to avoid slugging after you apply them, because the vaseline can interact with the active ingredients in these products and burn your skin.

Instead, you should layer vaseline on top of a freshly cleansed face with any moisturizing serums you have on hand.

Read the original article on Insider