In its Q3 earnings call on Thursday, Twitter reported that it had been miscalculating monthly user numbers since the fourth quarter of 2014. As a result, it was forced to lower previously reported numbers for the first two quarters of 2017 and the fourth quarter of 2016.

Despite this bit of bad news, it did report much needed user growth, with monthly user numbers rising from 326 million in the previous quarter to 330 million in Q3. For investors, this and the news that the company expects to finally be able to turn a profit in the fourth quarter made for a good morning.

As we can see in this chart from Statista, Twitter is far behind other social networks when it comes to monthly user growth. When it comes to daily user growth, the company reports only growth percentages in daily active users, not actual numbers, arguing that it doesn’t want investors focusing on the number itself and comparing it to giants like Facebook that have a different way of defining what a daily user is.