• Several of President Donald Trump’s aides have turned off notifications for his tweets, according to ABC News.
  • Work in the West Wing is often impacted by Trump’s tweeting, top advisers told the network.
  • The president’s recent tweeting has raised even more eyebrows than usual, having been fact-checked twice by Twitter and spread a baseless conspiracy theory about a protester.
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Several of President Donald Trump’s aides have been turning off notifications for his tweets as he responds to unfolding national crises, according to an ABC News report.

The White House is preparing a number of proposals on racial justice and policing in response to recent George Floyd protests, and top advisers told ABC News that the West Wing’s work is now regularly impacted by the fallout of whatever the president has tweeted that day.

One White House aide who reportedly muted the president told ABC News: “What’s the point?”

The president has raised more scandals than usual on Twitter in recent weeks. In late May, two of his tweets alleging that postal voting could cause a rigged election were flagged by Twitter and appended with fact-checking links.

On Tuesday, he amplified a conspiracy theory around 75-year-old protester Martin Gugino, who was injured by police in Buffalo, New York, during Black Lives Matter protests.

In his tweet, Trump suggested without evidence that the man is an "antifa provocateur." His friends say he is a Catholic peace activist and volunteer.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended the tweet about Gugino, saying the president was simply "raising questions based on a report he saw."

Several Republican lawmakers have either refused to comment or are saying they have not seen the tweet.

In response to ABC News' story, White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere told the network that the president has "accomplished more at this point in his first term than any president in history."

The White House did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.