doordash delivery driver
Industries that benefit from a big ecommerce bump, like couriers and messengers, have seen employment gains amid the pandemic.
Carlo Allegri/Reuters
  • The US added 245,000 jobs last month according to Friday’s job report, far fewer than the number of jobs expected by economists and much lower than the level added in October.
  • While several industries are still below their pre-pandemic levels, some are actually seeing higher levels of employment. 
  • November employment for couriers and messengers was 21.5% higher than in February, while employment in the motion picture and sound recording group was 43.5% below its pre-pandemic level.
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Friday’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that some industries are still struggling to return to pre-pandemic employment levels.

Overall job growth has slowed. There were 245,000 jobs added last month, 365,000 fewer jobs added than the revised number of 610,000 between September and October. The number of jobs added last month is the lowest since the major drop in jobs at the height of the first wave of the pandemic in April.

“Progress in the labor market has slowed at the worst possible time,” Nick Bunker, economic research director at Indeed, said in a press release. “We might be optimistic about the spring, but the winter could bring another round of economic pain.”

But at a more granular level, we can see that some industries are recovering while others have seen little change in their employment levels. 

The following chart highlights the percent change from February to November across different selected groups within industries from the Bureau of Labor Statistics along its vertical axis. We also included median hourly wage data from the BLS as of May 2019 along the horizontal axis:

As seen in the chart, some industries are struggling to have their level of employment bounce back even months after the start of the pandemic. These jobs typically offer lower wages than those that have not taken a significant hit or that are still around their pre-pandemic employment levels.

Even with some restaurants trying to keep outdoor dining and find ways to adapt for the colder winter months, employment in food services and drinking places was still down 17.2% from the 12.3 million jobs in February.

Employment in the motion picture and sound recording group is still below its February employment by 43.5%. Bunker noted that drop in his Twitter analysis of Friday's job report, writing "Wondering why [Warner Bros.] is putting all its 2021 movies on HBO Max? The first line on this chart gives some context," along with a table showing employment declines in various industries.

Although the motion picture and sound recording group did see an increase in employment between August and September of 44,500, employment dropped again from September and October and only grew by 1,600 last month per BLS data.

Couriers and messengers on the other hand have actually seen a rise in jobs from 847,800 in February to over 1 million in November. That is, this group's level of employment is 21.5% higher than its pre-pandemic level.

One reason for this could be due to people choosing to shop online and from home amid the pandemic. The Wall Street Journal noted in their analysis that industries related to consumer spending like couriers and warehousing are seeing growth. For instance, The Journal noted almost 82,000 jobs were added for couriers and messengers in November compared to the nearly 16,000 in November 2019. 

Warehouse and storage employment was up 8.0% between February and November, and that increase could also be tied to an increase in popularity for online shopping. Cyber Monday alone brought in $10.84 billion in online sales compared to $9.4 billion last year. Additionally, Walmart and Amazon are looking to recruit more warehouse workers to help with the increase in e-commerce demand during this time.

Meanwhile, brick-and-mortar retail continues to struggle. Unlike the growth in warehouse employment, employment in clothing and clothing accessory stores remained 24.9% below its pre-pandemic level. Additionally, employment in electronics and appliance stores are 6.6% below its pre-pandemic level. Employment in general merchandise stores, however, is 1.9% above its pre-pandemic level. These stores did see a decline in November, at 20,800.

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