LONDON – Allies of US President Donald Trump told Prime Minister Theresa May that the two countries could “do a trade deal in a week,” according to the Financial Times.

May this week will become the first foreign leader to meet with Trump since his swearing in, and she is expected to lay the groundwork for a trade deal with the US as well as discuss how the two nations can fight terrorism.

But above all, according to the Financial Times report, May and her Cabinet are “anxious” about the meeting because the government is keen to strike a US-UK trade deal as soon as possible.

Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, this week said: “We’ve always had that special relationship with Britain. He’s had a great conversation with her and he looks forward to having her here. But we can always be closer.”

When it comes to the trade deals, though, the UK is in a quandary.

On Monday, senior European Union figures told Britain to forget about negotiating a trade deal with the US or any other state as long as it remains a member of the 28-nation bloc.

The EU's foreign-affairs commissioner, Federica Mogherini, said, "It's absolutely clear on the EU side that as long as a country is a member state of the EU, which is something the UK is at the moment, there are no negotiations bilaterally on any trade agreement with third parties."

Trump's announced trade plans are protectionist. On Monday, Trump pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

The TPP deal, which would lower tariffs for 12 Pacific Rim countries including Japan and Mexico but excluding China, was negotiated under the Obama administration. It had not yet been ratified by Congress, however.

Trump has previously said he wants to put US interests at the heart of international relationships. He made the debate over free trade one of the central topics of his campaign after criticizing China, Mexico, and Japan. Trump argued in favor of ripping up trade deals, said the North American Free Trade Agreement was "the worst trade deal in the history of the country," and called TPP "a rape of our country."

At the beginning of December, Trump said the US should view trade "almost as a war" and vowed to implement protectionist policies. He said his administration would renegotiate trade deals and "defeat the enemy on jobs."

"And we have to look at it almost as a war," he continued, "because that's what's happened to us. That's what's happened to our workers."