Prime Minister Theresa May’s speech comes after she chaired a Cabinet Office Briefing Room meeting. Four people were killed, including a police officer, after suspected terrorist attack in Westminster, London . May said, “Let me make it clear today… any attempt to defeat those values through violence is doomed to failure. The streets of Westminster are ingrained with the spirit of freedom.” Police have identified the suspect. Heartbreaking images from London’s day of horror. Live updates on the investigation here.

LONDON – Prime Minister Theresa May just delivered a speech in response to the attacks that occurred outside the Houses of Parliament and along Westminster Bridge.

“The location of the attack was no accident, where all people from all nationalities, religions and cultures come together to celebrate liberation and democracy,” she said.

“Let me make it clear today… any attempt to defeat those values through violence is doomed to failure. The streets of Westminster are ingrained with the spirit of freedom.”

“Tomorrow morning Parliament will meet as normal. We will come together as normal. And Londoners and others around the world will get up and go about their day as normal. They will board their trains. They will leave their hotels. They will walk these streets. They will live their lives, they will all move forward together, never giving into terror and never allowing the voices of hate and evil to drive us apart.”

She also thanked the service people who attended to those on the scenes of the attacks.

"Once again today these exceptional men and women ran towards the danger even as they encouraged others to move the other way. They have lost one of their own in today's attack only makes their calmness and professionalism under pressure all the more remarkable," May said.

You can watch her full speech on video here:

Watch in full: PM @theresa_may pays tribute tothe "exceptional men and women" of the emergency servicesafter terror attack at 22,2017

Her speech comes after her chairing a Cabinet Office Briefing Room meeting. COBR meetings are the locations for a type of crisis response committee set up to co-ordinate the actions of bodies within the Government.

Around 2.40 p.m. GMT (10.40 a.m. ET) on Wednesday, March 22, a car drove into dozens of people on crowded Westminster Bridge while a police officer was stabbed in the grounds of parliament around the same time. The officer has since died from the stabbing.

Both incidents occurred on the anniversary of the Brussels airport terror attack.

In a statement given at around 4.45 p.m. GMT (12.45 p.m. ET), a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police confirmed that a counterterrorism investigation is ongoing and that additional officers will patrol the capital tonight and Thursday.