Now Hiring sign Boston
A help wanted sign is posted outside of Dunkin' Donuts in Downtown Crossing in Boston on June 14, 2021.
Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe/Getty Images
  • The US is on track to regain all jobs lost during the pandemic by February 2022, Insider calculates.
  • The June jobs report showed hiring accelerated as businesses raised pay and the US reopened further.
  • The recovery aligns with forecasts from the Congressional Budget Office and Federal Reserve officials.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.

The labor market's recovery just picked up the pace. Now it needs to stay this way.

At this pace, Insider calculates, the US economy is now on track to recover all jobs lost to the pandemic in just seven months. The job-growth trend sharply improved in June, when the country added 850,000 payrolls. That follows a gain of 583,000 jobs in May and marks the strongest one-month jump since August. It was also the sixth straight month of job gains.

Maintaining the June pace would bring total payrolls back to their pre-pandemic peak by February 2022, according to Insider calculations. Using the three-month average for payroll growth delays a complete recovery to June 2022.

The trend lines up with the government's own forecasts for the economic recovery. The bipartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday that the labor market should return to its pre-crisis payroll count by the middle of 2022. The office's forecast was revised to account for Democrats' $1.9 trillion stimulus plan, a faster reopening, and surge in consumer spending.

Separately, the Federal Open Market Committee's latest set of economic projections see the unemployment rate falling to 3.8% by the end of next year. That compares to the pre-pandemic low of 3.5%.

Where the recovery goes from here

Several signs point to even stronger job creation in the months ahead.

A handful of factors leading Americans to stay at home - from childcare costs to enhanced unemployment insurance - are set to fade through the summer. Americans can expect "a really strong set of jobs numbers" starting in July as virus fears fade and schools reopen, Fed Chair Jerome Powell told lawmakers in a June 22 hearing.

The lapse of boosted UI payments should also push more people back into the workforce, he added. The March stimulus package included a $300-per-week expansion to UI set to expire in September. Yet 26 states plan to end the benefits early, arguing the supplement disincentivizes people from taking jobs.

Fifteen of those states began cutting benefits in June, and while the jobs report's survey period doesn't reflect the early cancellations, jobless claims data suggests the move is working. Filings for unemployment insurance fell the most since early May last week and notched a new pandemic low.

Still, a complete recovery is unlikely to yield the same labor market as the one seen before the health crisis. The recovery so far has been extremely uneven, with unemployment among Black Americans nearly double that for whites. Telecommuting, while down significantly from its pandemic peak, lingered in June even as most lockdown measures were reversed.

The labor shortage also looms large over the rebound. Wage growth has come in above trend over the last three months as businesses jostle to attract workers. While experts expect the shortage to fade into the fall, the imbalance between worker supply and business demand could keep wages climbing at the fastest rate in decades.

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