christmas cookies
Sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies are the most popular holiday cookies in the country.
Marko Klaric/EyeEm/Shutterstock
  • Each state has its own unique holiday traditions, including which cookies they love the most.
  • Instagram identified the most popular holiday cookie in each state by totaling the number of likes and mentions of different cookies over the past month.
  • Sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies tied as the most popular holiday cookies nationwide.
  • Illinois was the only state to name chocolate chip cookies as their favorite around the holidays.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

When it comes to each state’s favorite holiday cookie, you might be surprised.

Instagram recently released a map showing the most popular holiday cookies by state, based on the number of likes and mentions of different cookies over the past month from both in-feed and Instagram Story posts.

The most popular holiday cookies nationwide were sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies – each one was the favorite cookie of 10 states.

Gingerbread also ranked favorably – Instagram users in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Utah were buzzing about the holiday cookie.

Chocolate chip cookies, on the other hand, were the least popular holiday cookie in the US. Only Illinois residents claimed this classic cookie as its favorite.

Check out the map below to see which holiday cookie your state chose as its favorite.

popular holiday cookies by state instagram
The most popular holiday cookies by state.
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