Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Tuesday.

1. US President Donald Trump said Japan will shoot North Korean missiles ‘out of the sky’. Trump met with Japan’s Shinzo Abe during his first stop in his multi-stop Asia tour and is now in South Korea.

2. UK Prime Minister Theresa May told British businesses to be “realistic”. She said businesses must realise how long it will take to establish relations with the EU post-Brexit.

3. Saudi-led forces closed all air, land, and sea ports in Yemen. The move is designed to prevent the flow of arms to Houthi rebels in Iran who, according to Saudi Arabia, launched a ballistic missile aimed at Riyadh on Saturday.

4. A Saudi Arabian official confirmed there were reports of a plot to kill Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri. Hariri resigned on during a trip to Saudi Arabia on Saturday over concerns for his safety.

5. Russia said they are not yet cooperating with the US on North Korea. A Kremlin spokesperson said the two nations only have "periodic exchanges of views".

6. The Trump administration has begun to calling Asia the "Indo-Pacific". The move away from a China-centric Asia could unsettle China and have real implications in the region.

7. At least seven people have died due to storm flooding in Penang, Malaysia. Thousands of residents were evacuated following the 18-hour storm, which scientists said were due to Typhoon Damrey.

8. French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has received death threats after publishing a cartoon of an Islamic scholar. The Charlie Hebdo offices were the target of a mass shooting in 2015, which left 12 dead.

9. Estonia froze its digital 'e-residency' ID cards due to a potential security flaw. Estonian citizens rely on the system for online services like banking, online voting, taxes, and medical records.

And finally...

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