Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Wednesday.

1. US President Donald Trump said there’s a “substantial chance” talks with with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un won’t happen. Trump may be getting cold feet about North Korea actually agreeing to denuclearization.

2. Congress quietly passed the largest rollback of Wall Street regulations since the financial crisis. Opponents say the bill will undermine protections for consumers and risk another financial disaster.

3. The Pakistani military may have hacked phones belonging to US, UK, and Australian officials. The hack collected sensitive photos, audio recordings, text messages, and could even disable a phone’s reception.

4. Kim Jong Un may be worried about a military coup. Kim is reportedly less concerned about his upcoming meeting with Trump and more concerned about what might happen in Pyongyang while he's gone.

5. Saudi Arabia arrested more activists who campaigned for women's right to drive. The move has faced harsh criticism as the country prepares to lift its driving restriction on June 24.

6. A bipartisan group of US senators warned about making concessions to China in current trade negotiations. The group said loosening export rules would bolster China's aggressive military modernization and undermine US national security.

7. Israel blocked access to hundreds of asylum seekers' bank accounts. Israel has been criticized for its harsh deportation methods, which included paying its citizens to help deport migrants.

8. Mark Zuckerberg testified before the European Parliament. The entire questioning took 1.5 hours, and a British lawmaker blasted the event as a "missed opportunity for proper scrutiny."

9. Pulitzer-prize winning author and Jewish-American icon Philip Roth died at 85. Roth wrote more than 30 books, and won the top literary prize for his 1997 novel "American Pastoral."

10. An Australian state tried and failed to regulate Airbnb. The New South Wales government failed to get support from its ministers over capping short-term letting in major cities to 180 days annually.

And finally...

RANKED: The 29 richest countries in the world.