Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Tuesday.

1. President Donald Trump will delay the start of possible trade war with some of the US’s closest allies. Trump announced extensions to steel and aluminum tariff exemptions for six key US allies including Australia.

2. The UK parliament will be able to decide what happens if the Brexit deal from Brussels is rejected. The “meaningful vote” will give politicians a binding vote on whether to approve or reject the UK-EU deal.

3. Israel’s spy agency stole 110,000 documents from Iran in a brazen heist. Israel’s Prime Minister said the documents reveal that Iran has been “brazenly lying” about its nuclear capabilities but much of the information wasn’t new.

4. Trump suggested holding the US-North Korea summit at the Korean border. The historic Trump-Kim meeting could happen within the month.

5. Taiwan lost one of its largest diplomatic allies. The Dominican Republic aligned with China instead, leaving the self-ruled island with just 19 allies.

6. The billionaire cofounder of WhatsApp is leaving Facebook. Jan Koum and WhatsApp cofounder Brian Acton sold the popular messaging app to Facebook for $19 billion in 2014.

7. South Korea is taking down propaganda-broadcast loudspeakers from the border with North Korea. South Korea stopped blasting propaganda into North Korea last month in preparation for the inter-Korean summit.

8. Private equity firm Lantern Capital may acquire the Weinstein Company for $310 million. The film and TV studio filed for bankruptcy in March after its founder Harvey Weinstein was accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct.

9. Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell will stand trial in Australia over child abuse charges.More than 30 people gave evidence during the pre-trial hearing.

10. Thousands of Russians threw paper planes to protest the country's block on secure messaging app Telegram. Protestors threw paper planes, the logo of Telegram, into the air while chanting anti-Putin slogans.

And finally...

Israel is stomping on Iran - and it could bring one of the worst wars the Middle East has ever seen.