Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Wednesday.

1. The summit between US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will take place on Sentosa island in Singapore. The on-again-off-again summit will happen at Capella Hotel on June 12.

2. China offered to purchase close to $70 billion worth of goods if the US backs off tariffs. The move could help alleviate some of the trade tensions between the Trump administration and China.

3. Israel’s Prime Minister told France’s Emmanuel Macron the Iran deal will likely dissolve. Britain, France, and Germany remain committed to the nuclear deal and are scrambling to save it.

4. Russia's Vladimir Putin called Trump "brave and mature" for arranging to meet with Kim. Putin added that he was expecting a "positive outcome" from the talks.

5. A volcano in Guatemala has erupted again sending lava into nearby areas. At least 75 people have been killed and hundreds more injured by the eruptions which began on Sunday.

6. A single parking spot in Hong Kong sold for $760,000, breaking a world record. Hong Kong continues to break property records, and is home to the most expensive apartments sold in Asia.

7. The White House is urging US airlines to defy China on the issue of Taiwan. Beijing has demanded airlines describe Taiwan as a province of China rather than a country, and nearly two dozen carriers have made the shift.

8. Facebook has a data sharing agreement with Huawei, which allegedly has ties to the Chinese government. Facebook officials said the deal was "controlled" and that no data was stored on Huawei servers.

9. The CEO of Qatar Airways apologized for saying a woman couldn't do his job. The CEO praised women in the company, saying they make up nearly half of the airline's workforce.

10. Iconic designer Kate Spade died in an apparent suicide at 55. She is survived by her husband, Andy Spade, and her 13-year-old daughter, Frances Beatrix Spade.

And finally...

Ginger emojis have been launched, along with bagels, superheroes, and toilet paper.