Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Monday.

1. At least three people died and hundreds more were injured after a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Japan. The country is located along the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire and experiences more than 1,000 measurable earthquakes a year.

2. First Lady Melania Trump said the US should “govern with heart” when it comes to migrant children. Former First Lady Laura Bush also weighed in, saying the separation of migrant children from their parents is “immoral.

3. Former Trump campaign consultant Roger Stone admitted to meeting with a Russian contact during the 2016 election. The Russian wanted $2 million in exchange for damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

4. A shooting at an arts festival in New Jersey left a suspect dead and at least 20 people injured. Two suspects opened fire during the Art All Night festival that showcases local art, music, and food.

5. South Korea's World Cup team tried to confuse Sweden's spies by swapping jerseys so their opponent couldn't tell them apart. South Korea's coach told reporters that "it is very difficult for Westerners to distinguish between Asians."

6. Colombia elected its first president since ending its decades-long conflict. Ivan Duque is a 41-year-old conservative and a protege of powerful former president Alvaro Uribe.

7. The US denied reports that it bombed military positions in Syria. The US-led coalition is supporting an alliance of Syrian Arab and Kurdish militia fighting northeast of the area which Syria said was bombed.

8. China's Huawei is desperately trying to convince Australian politicians it can be trusted. Huawei is bidding to be involved in the construction of Australia's 5G network which has raised national security concerns.

9. Mexican World Cup fans may have sparked an "earthquake" celebrating their team's winning goal over Germany. Seismic monitoring agency Simmsa said a small earthquake was caused "possibly by massive jumps during the goal … of Mexico in the World Cup."

10. Mars will come closer to Earth in the coming weeks than it has been in 15 years. A phenomenon called perihelic opposition, in which Earth's and Mars' orbits align, is bringing the two planets closer together.

And finally…

Photos show Border Patrol's largest processing facility, a former warehouse where families are separated and hundreds of migrant children are kept in cages.