Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Thursday.

1. 120 countries voted to condemn Israel for using ‘excessive’ force in Gaza. Clashes along Israel’s border with Gaza have left 123 Palestinians dead and almost 14,000 injured.

2. UK Prime Minister Theresa May won key Brexit votes. May’s government defeated proposed Brexit deal amendments which sought to keep Britain in the single market and stay in a customs union with the EU.

3. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo berated someone who asked how the US will denuclearize North Korea. The US and North Korea agreed to “work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” but did not specify how.

4. Macedonia's president said he will not accept his country's name change hours after a deal was signed with Greece. The president said an agreement reached Tuesday to change the Balkan country's name was "shameful" and gave too many concessions to Greece.

5. The US now has the world's fastest supercomputer, costing $200 million. The new computer, called Summit, is twice as fast as the previous record holder in China.

6. The Philippines plans to give community leaders free handguns to fight drugs and crime. President Rodrigo Duterte has been waging a bloody war on drugs and has been criticized for overseeing extrajudicial killings.

7. Microsoft could be aiming at Amazon with its own push for checkout-free retail. Microsoft has reportedly shown sample technology to retailers from around the world and has had talks with Walmart about a potential collaboration.

8. A proposal to split California into three states will appear on the ballot in November. Legendary Silicon Valley investor Tim Draper put forward the proposal, which he says would give the people of California more say in Washington.

9. China wants to track its citizens movements using a chip implanted in cars. The chip will be added to a growing list of surveillance tools the government uses to monitor its citizens.

10. Meanwhile Didi Chuxing will now only allow carpool drivers to pick up passengers of the same sex at night. The change comes after a female passenger using the Chinese ride-hailing service was allegedly murdered by an unverified carpool driver last month.

And finally…

The new World Cup uniforms for every country.