Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Wednesday.

1. US President Donald Trump reportedly accepted Kim Jong Un’s invitation to visit North Korea. North Korean state media also said Kim accepted an invitation to the White House.

2. North Korean media also ditched its usual censorship in favor of celebrating a propaganda win. A North Korean newspaper featured photos of Kim meeting with Trump, praising different outcomes to Western media.

3. Macedonia agreed to change its name and end a 27-year beef with Greece. Greece has protested Macedonia’s name for decades because its northern territory is also called Macedonia.

4. UK Prime Minister Theresa May conceded to Tory rebels in negotiations on the Brexit Withdrawal Bill. The government will now enter talks that would give parliament members the power to prevent Britain leaving the EU without a deal.

5. Trump said he hopes to negotiate a "real deal" with Iran. Iran was closely watching the Kim meeting, and warned North Korea that Trump could cancel a nuclear agreement at any point in time.

6. A Saudi-led coalition launched an attack on Yemen's main port city. The UN has warned that an assault on Hodeidah could spiral out of control and compound an already critical humanitarian situation.

7. Toyota invested another $1 billion into Asian ride-sharing giant Grab. The company has been Uber's biggest competitor in the region until March this year when the US firm sold its local business to Grab.

8. An Australian man is suing Google for defamation because he shows up beside criminals in an image search. Milorad Trkulja was shot by an unknown gunman in 2004 and a search for his name brings up images of Melbourne mob figures.

9. Kim Kardashian says she personally lobbied Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for the ability to edit tweets. Kardashian successfully lobbied Trump to grant clemency to a 63-year-old grandmother last week.

10. NASA's Mars rover is battling a continent-sized dust storm. The rover recently discovered organic elements on the red planet which suggest the planet may have once harbored life.

And finally…

The best photos from Trump's historic summit with Kim Jong Un.