Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Monday.

1. US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met for a historic summit. The two leaders posed for photos, ate a meal together, and signed a “historic” and “comprehensive” document.

2. Trump said starting the process of denuclearization would happen “very quickly. His joint statement with Kim promised new US-North Korea relations and North Korea’s commitment to complete denuclearization.

3. China said it "welcomes and supports" talks between Kim and Trump. Foreign Minister Wang Yi added that China will continue to play a "unique and important role" in resolving issues on the Korean Peninsula.

4. South Korea's Moon Jae-in said he hopes for a "new era" of denuclearization and peace with North Korea. Moon and Kim met in April, and have pledged to end the Korean War.

5. The US senate blocked a Trump administration deal with Chinese company ZTE. ZTE was going to pay a $1 billion fine, allowing it to resume working with US companies.

6. Apple banned mining cryptocurrency on iPhones. The newest version of Apple's App Store rules prohibits cryptocurrency mining snuck into unrelated advertisements and apps

7. Twelve people died in monsoon rains in Bangladesh. The government is trying to relocate tens of thousands of people.

8. New sanctions were imposed on Russia for alleged cyber attacks. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the measures target "malicious actors" working to "increase Russia's offensive cyber-capabilities."

9. The US unveiled a de facto embassy in Taiwan. Praise of the US-Taiwan relationship at the unveiling may draw ire from Beijing which considers Taiwan a province of China.

10. The FCC's net neutrality rules officially died. Broadband providers can now block or slow access to particular internet services.

And finally…

A new era of diplomatic relations with North Korea is on the horizon - here's what's happened so far.