Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Wednesday.

1. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is looking at the timing of US President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. He is also looking at Trump’s possible business affairs in Russia before 2016.

2. The EU will propose Northern Ireland stay in its customs union after Brexit. The proposal is set to be published Wednesday, and will call for Northern Ireland to stick to single market rules if the UK can’t find a way of avoiding a hard Irish border.

3. Trump senior advisor Jared Kushner lost top-secret security clearance. Kushner was downgraded to “secret” from “top secret,” preventing him from accessing some classified information.

4. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may have used a fraudulent Brazilian passport. The passports for Kim and his father were reportedly used to apply for visas to visit Western countries in the 1990s.

5. The head of US national security said he hasn't been given authority to counter Russian cyberattacks. He said Trump would need to give him that authority and, until then, attacks would continue.

6. Australia's defense department is phasing out Chinese phones. The department said the phones weren't a security risk but US intelligence officers recently said they could be conduits for foreign surveillance.

7. US mobile giant AT&T said it supports net neutrality and won't create internet "fast lanes." However, in the same statement it essentially said it wants to offer a form of faster service for some customers.

8. A US-Russian crew returned from a 5-month space mission. The three-person team had worked at the International Space Station, a $100 billion lab that flies about 250 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth.

9. At least 15 people died after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit Papa New Guinea.Officials are still investigating reports of fatalities and are examining the extent of damage following the Monday quake.

10. Ford chose Miami as its development hub for its future self-driving fleets. The carmaker is developing fully autonomous vehicles that could be used for robotaxi fleets or deliveries.

And finally...

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