Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Friday.

1. South Korean President Moon Jae-in met with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un at a historic summit. The two made history but Kim quickly went off-script before announcing he doesn’t want to repeat the failed actions of previous summits. See how the event unfolded here.

2. China said it is open to trade negotiations with the US. Premier Li Keqiang noted that the countries should seek to resolve their conflicts through dialogue ahead of a visit by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

3. Germany’s Angela Merkel will visit US President Donald Trump on Friday. Merkel hopes talks will foster a broader dialogue on trade between the nations, and will work to convince Trump not to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal next month.

4. CIA Director Mike Pompeo is all set to be the new Secretary of State. The Senate confirmed Pompeo on Thursday voting 57-42 in favor of the former congressman.

5. Russia organized a press conference with alleged Syrian witnesses who rejected claims of a recent chemical attack. Several agencies have tied the Syrian government to the attack earlier this month which killed and injured dozens of civilians.

6. Amazon's operating income nearly hit $2 billion in Q1. The earnings are nearly double the figures laid out by Wall Street analysts.

7. Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, once bragged he was part of the Russian mob. Cohen is currently the subject of two federal criminal investigations, one of which focuses on the Russian ties of Trump and his associates.

8. Ten teenagers died in Israel following flash floods. The students were part of an organized hike in the southern Dead Sea area despite warnings of life-threatening weather conditions.

9. US television star Bill Cosby was found guilty of sexual assault. The verdict came after a two-week retrial in which five women testified that Cosby drugged and assaulted them.

10. Tesla's board told shareholders to vote against a proposal to instate an independent chairman. CEO Elon Musk is currently the chairman and owns a 20 percent stake in the company.

And finally...

North Korea and South Korea met in the 'truce village' of Panmunjom - these extraordinary photos show what it's like.