Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Tuesday.

1. A van jumped a sidewalk in Toronto, killing 10 pedestrians and injuring 15. The alleged driver, who has been identified as 25-year-old Alek Minassian, was arrested by a lone cop who was hailed as a “hero.

2. Kate Middleton left the hospital with her third child. Royal superfans and members of the press have been camping out for days awaiting the royal baby’s debut.

3. China is testing an “invisibility cloak” on military jets to help them evade radar detection. The technology uses a metamaterial that can alter the way radio waves bounce off the surface of jets.

4. Former US President George H.W. Bush is in intensive care. Bush, whose wife Barbara passed away less than a week ago, contracted an infection that spread to his blood.

5. Armenia's prime minister - a close Putin ally - resigned after days of street protests. Serzh Sarksyan said he would resign to help maintain peace in the ex-Soviet republic after 10 years in office.

6. The Syrian army bombarded a jihadist enclave in south Damascus in an attempt to regain ground. Earlier this month, the US and allies fired more than 100 missiles at Syria in a coordinated response to a suspected chemical weapons attack.

7. The US ordered its embassy staff out of Nicaragua amid deadly protests against the government. A journalist and more than a dozen others have been killed in clashes with security forces.

8. China is making ethnic minority Uyghurs pledge loyalty to the Communist Party. Uyghur Muslims must give the pledge before they'll be allowed to make the Hajj pilgrimage.

9. Facebook assured its customers that they are not the "product." As a free service, Facebook utilizes user data for targeted ad sales to raise revenue.

10.A New Zealand cinema banned customers from wearing pajamas. The cinema said in a Facebook post that loungewear did not encourage the right "vibe."

And finally...

China's 'Las Vegas' is leaving billionaires behind in favor of the rising middle class - see inside the $3.4 billion mega-casino leading the charge.