• Belgians are heading to the countryside for vacation this year, and many are discovering the half-tent, half-tree house structures in a forest in Borgloon, Belgium.
  • A set of teardrop-shaped tents were built as an art installation in Borgloon in 2011, and they are now available for campers to rent.
  • Each tent is equipped with a bed, a bench, storage, windows, and, of course, a ladder to help guests climb in and out of the structure.
  • The Dutch designer, Dré Wapenaar, has been creating teardrop-shaped tents for decades. Visitors can find similar tents hanging from a sculpture park in Missouri and in a campsite in the Netherlands.
  • A night in the tent costs about $82 in the Borgloon forest, and interested campers can book one through the town’s tourism website.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.


Foto: The tents were originally built as an art installation, but now they’re enticing domestic travelers across Belgium. Source: Kristof Vrancken