- Politics have largely influenced responses to the pandemic.
- Science shows there are safe and responsible ways to enjoy outdoor dining and other social activities.
- Until a proper treatment arrives, we have to find reasonable ways to live while also reducing harm to others.
- Noah Friedman is a writer and producer based in New York.
- This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author.
- Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.
Thinking about grabbing a beer at a bar soon? There’s a hidden risk to consider, and it’s not a virus.
If you post about your outing, prepare to face judgment from friends, followers, or some random person across the country. No, it doesn’t matter if you’re following all recommended safety measures. To some, there’s simply no ethical way to go out to a restaurant, and they’ve found comfort in isolation and misery, holding it as proof that they’re getting through the pandemic “the right way.”
To be fair, there’s a lot to be miserable about living in America during Covid-19. Over 180,000 people dead, dwindling and insufficient economic support, and dithering leadership at the highest levels. This has made for little clarity on best practices for reducing the spread of the virus. People have been left to make their own calls on how to behave responsibly.
Social pressure can be a useful tool in keeping everyone on track, especially given the void in leadership. Seeing everyone else wear their masks can be the reminder that you need to throw yours on. But it can also go too far, when it becomes less about promoting rational behavior and more about signaling who’s handling the crisis better than others.
The partisan pandemic
As with everything else, the response to the pandemic is largely divided on political lines. The right wants to largely ignore the outbreak, quickly rallying against mask protocols and pushing to reopen the economy as soon as possible. In April, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said "there are more important things than living" while praising the state's moves towards re-opening, tacitly offering up his life for the economic future of the country. President Trump tweeted: "WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF." The protests of masks and closures align with basic reactionary ideological lines, dismissing science to "own the libs" and prove a point.
Meanwhile, the left adopted a cautious approach while questions swirled about what measures are actually effective. Are masks harmful or helpful? Can we jog outside? What about surface contact? Many chose to stay locked up inside alone, minimizing outside contact and lowering the risk of infection. All alone in isolation with nowhere to go, there was now plenty of time to worry about other people's behavior and whether it matched your own standards. Additionally, the right's brash ignorance led to a lack of nuance when it came to a serious conversation about a responsible return to society.
Contrary to much of the left's outcries,there are areas where reopening seems possible, namely New York City, which of course suffered one of the worst outbreaks in the world. Cases are now down to less than 300 a day, compared to over 5,000 daily in April. The infection rate is under 1%. So what's working for New York? Masks are worn indoors, testing is widely available, and restaurants and bars have appropriately-distanced outdoor seating.
And yet, social media posts showing socially-distanced, rule-following public outings are often met with digital finger-wagging, deeming anyone not holed up in their apartment as selfish, uncompassionate, and irresponsible.
Even worse are well-intentioned but misleading studies on the spread of the virus. Everyone has become a keyboard epidemiologist since March, and these comments only heighten anxiety. I suspect it's rooted in a desire for some agency in a time when we seemingly have none.
While the right dismissed facts as a sign of loyalty to the president, the other side is also overlooking science to signal a moral superiority, shaming those who are choosing to venture out of complete solitude while still behaving safely.
So, let's look at the facts of the situation: the odds of indoor transmission are 18.7 times greater than in open air. A study of 7,300 cases in China found just one was connected to outdoor transmission. Research suggests that the likelihood of surface transmission has been exaggerated and is actually quite unlikely. Washing your hands regularly and avoiding touching your face should do the trick. Reducing your social circle to a smaller "quarantine pod" has also been shown to be rather effective.
Outside looking in
The restaurant industry is among those hardest hit by the pandemic. While over 10,000 restaurants in NYC have set up outdoor seating and increased takeout, they are still serving only a fraction of their regular number of customers. The federal paycheck protection program simply won't be enough to keep these restaurants above water, especially once outdoor seating is no longer an option during the winter. Without a more substantial bailout of the industry, the only way these restaurants and bars have any chance of survival is if they're patronized.
My biggest question for people quick to judge others for going out is: what are you waiting for? While there have been positive updates on a vaccine, it still could be years away, if we're lucky enough to ever have one. In the meantime, in places with deflating case numbers, we must find a manageable way to live.
The cost of the pandemic isn't just Covid-19 cases and financial burdens; there's also a mental toll. More than 1 in 3 Americans reported symptoms of an anxiety disorder this year, compared to 1 in 12 last year, and over 53% believe the pandemic has taken a toll on their mental health. Seeing friends can help ease the existential dread surrounding us, and if one can do so safely and without endangering others, why shouldn't they?
Naturally, ignoring all safety protocols is more dangerous than being overly cautious, but snidely commenting on Instagram posts won't cure the virus either. There's no prize for who can be the loneliest person, and ignorance can swing both ways. Don't let the reactionary right push you into a paranoid furor, and likewise, don't shame those who are safely trying to make it through this. It doesn't mean we're "over it," just that we need to adapt based on the current situation. Like it or not, we're all in this together.