The Senate confirmation hearing for President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state pick, Rex Tillerson, is set for Wednesday, and he might be in for a tough battle.

While Tillerson, the former Exxon Mobil CEO, is likely to be confirmed as the next secretary of state, he’ll face tough questioning from senators.

We’ve taken a look at the three major areas of concern Tillerson is likely to be grilled on during his hearing.

Russia ties

Tillerson’s ties to Russia go back nearly two decades. Tillerson met Russian President Vladimir Putin in 1999, according to Bloomberg, when Tillerson first represented Exxon’s interests in Russia while it was under Boris Yeltsin’s leadership.

And Tillerson has also worked with Rosneft, a major Russian state-run corporation, since the 1990s.

Sen. Ben Cardin, a Democrat from Maryland and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told NPR that he expects questions about Tillerson's ties to Russia during his confirmation hearing.

"He did business with Russia. He was able to get things done there," Cardin said. "And those relationships will be subject to questioning during the confirmation hearings."

But Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican from Tennessee who is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, told NPR that Tillerson's views on Russia "are not, in any way, out of the mainstream."

Ian Bremmer, a geopolitical expert and the president of Eurasia Group, also speculated that Tillerson's ties to Russia might not be a bad thing.

"He's a strong executive," Bremmer said last month. "He has a better relationship with Putin than anyone else Trump could have chosen, and before we dismiss that as a bad thing, we should consider the benefits of better communications with a guy that has a demonstrated ability to make all kinds of trouble for Washington."

rex tillerson vladimir putin

Foto: Rex Tillerson and Russian President Vladimir Putin. source AP photo/RIA Novosti, Alexei Druzhinin, pool

And several sources familiar with Tillerson's meetings with senators told CNN that Tillerson acknowledged the need to get tough on Russia.

"He indicated that he knew what Putin was about and that you need to deal with Russia from a position of strength," one staffer told CNN. "He framed his relationship with Putin as one where he felt he could talk to him frankly and that he was prepared to do that."

But other senators are more skeptical.

Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham, both Republicans, have publicly expressed concerns about Tillerson's past dealings with the Kremlin.

McCain said recently that he still has concerns about Tillerson even after meeting with him. And Graham said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that Tillerson has "to convince me, and I think other members of the body, that he sees Russia as a disruptive force."

Trump cozied up to Russia during his campaign for president, and some critics have expressed concern about his reluctance to admit the Kremlin's role in hacking that was aimed at interfering in the presidential election.

rex tillerson vladimir putin exxon russia

Foto: Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Rex Tillerson. source AP

Business dealings

Tillerson has moved to cut his financial ties to Exxon and stepped down from his position as CEO on January 1, but some have called into question how his business dealings would shape his views if he were confirmed as secretary of state.

Several of Exxon's projects in Russia - worth tens of billions of dollars - have been put on hold because of sanctions the US has imposed on the country, according to The New York Times. The US imposed sanctions on Russia in 2014 after the country annexed Crimea, which had been part of Ukraine.

Former Exxon board member William George told The Wall Street Journal that Tillerson opposed the sanctions at the time.

Michael Klare, a professor at Hampshire College and the author of "The Race for What's Left," a book about the rush for oil in the thawing Arctic, told The Times, "As secretary of state, he would be called upon to negotiate with world leaders like Vladimir Putin."

"In these negotiations, one has to wonder what would influence the types of deals he is making," he said. "Questions arise over whether his actions would be benefiting his company or the interests of the United States and its allies."

According to CNN, Tillerson told senators in his meeting with them that sanctions could be a useful tool. But he didn't express support for any sanctions in particular.

CNN also reported that Senate aides were reviewing Exxon's plan to pay out Tillerson's holdings in the company. Exxon's plan would give him about $180 million to put into a blind trust.

Rex Tillerson

Foto: Rex Tillerson a news conference after an Exxon Mobil shareholders meeting. source REUTERS/Mike Stone/File Photo

Lack of government experience

If Tillerson is confirmed, he'd be the first secretary of state with no experience in the public sector.

The media was quick to note after Trump nominated Tillerson that he lacked government experience.

CNN noted that Tillerson "will have to explain why his own lack of formal foreign policy experience is not a disqualifying feature of his resume."

But others have pointed out that he traveled the world and negotiated with foreign heads of state during his time at Exxon.

A former Exxon employee who's now at the Brookings Institution made the case for Tillerson as secretary of state.

"A lot of the negative/shocked reactions to Rex Tillerson as SecState seem to come from people with limited understanding of private sector," Suzanne Maloney wrote on Twitter last month. "Presumption that Tillerson must be a pro-Putin ideologue bc he/[Exxon] did business successfully in Putin's Russia is simplistic and patronizing."

"Oil folks know stuff: Anyone who manages multibillion-dollar, multidecade projects needs deep, nuanced understanding of political context," she continued. "In this sense, Tillerson's business experience gives him very different lens than other execs in Trump cabinet - and very relevant for diplomacy."