• I tested the Napper from Bearaby, a $249 weighted blanket that is particularly popular on Instagram because of its aesthetic, eco-friendliness, and anxiety-reducing qualities.
  • The Napper relieved my anxiety, helped me sleep soundly, and looked great on my bed.
  • However, I got hot when I used the blanket while sharing a bed with my partner, and the Napper’s open weave seemed like it might fall apart after extended use.
  • But the Napper was worth it, as it helped me get in touch with emotions I’d been suppressing.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

One of the most popular weighted blankets on the market is “The Napper” from Bearaby.

Foto: Bearaby sells “The Napper,” a weighted blanket. Source: Bearaby

Like any other weighted blanket, Bearaby’s Napper is designed to help users sleep better. Research shows weighted blankets alleviate anxiety by reducing the brain’s production of cortisol, the stress hormone, according to the brand’s website.

Part of the Napper’s appeal is its look: the open weave and bright colors in which its available make it cuter than the average weighted blanket. It’s also made from plant-based tree fabric, adding a sustainable aspect.

I decided to try the Napper to see if it was worth the hype, both because I thought it was pretty and because I’m often anxious when I fall asleep.

The Napper can be ordered online, where it’s available in five colors and three weights.

Foto: The smallest Napper costs $249. Source: Bearaby

The website specifies that the blanket should be roughly 10% of your body weight, so I picked a 15-pound blanket since it was the closest in size for me. The 15-pound blanket costs $249.

I chose the color moonstone grey, but the blanket also comes in asteroid grey, midnight blue, evening rose, and milky way.

The blanket was sold out when I first tried to order it, but it only took a few days to arrive once one was finally available.

Foto: The blanket arrived in a cardboard box. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

The cardboard box was pretty standard, though I liked that it had the cute catchphrase on it.

I had the blanket delivered to my office, which I ended up regretting because it was difficult to transport home.

When I got home and unwrapped the box, I was glad to find the Napper tucked into a bag.

Foto: The bag kept the blanket clean. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

The bag prevented the Napper from getting dirty while in the box, which was important to me since it was going to live on my bed.

Inside, the blanket was bundled together, which made it easy to lift.

Foto: The blanket was bundled upon arrival. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

The string that held the bundle together was made of the same fabric as the blanket itself.

Bearaby seemed to have taken care to make sure the blanket and its delivery was as environmentally-friendly as possible.

I spread the blanket out on my bed and was impressed with the look.

Foto: I liked how the blanket looked on my bed. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

The weave gave the blanket a chic, modern look. I was also glad I went with the moonstone grey color, as it served as a nice neutral.

The Napper felt like it was made out of recycled T-shirts.

Foto: The texture of the Napper reminded me of a t-shirt. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I was surprised by how soft the blanket was, as I expected the weight to make it feel rougher.

But it reminded me of a soft, thick T-shirt. I wanted to wrap myself in it immediately.

I settled in for my first test run of the blanket.

Foto: I tried the Napper. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I immediately liked the weight of the blanket. I was worried the heaviness would be overbearing, but instead, it felt comforting.

My initial reaction was that the 15-pound blanket was definitely the right choice for me, as the Napper offered a pleasant pressure without suffocating me.

I was also happy with its temperature, as the open weave ensured I didn't get too hot.

The Napper's material clings to your body, keeping you insulated. My roommate said it made me look like I had a mermaid's tail.

After lying there for a moment, I realized I could poke my toes through the fabric.

Foto: I didn't like that my toes could poke through the blanket. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

My toe got caught in the weave by accident, and it felt strange to have it exposed to the air while the rest of me was covered.

My ability to push my toe through the blanket also made me concerned it would loosen with time, decreasing its effectiveness.

I got in bed with the blanket on top of my comforter for the first night, and I was surprised to find myself crying soon after getting under the blanket.

Foto: I cried during my first night with the blanket. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I typically wrestle with an onslaught of anxious thoughts as I fall asleep, with my brain holding what I think of as "internal committee meetings" regarding everything I have to do the next day.

I didn't have high hopes that the blanket would make that stop, but I was surprised to find that the weight on top of me distracted my brain from the anxiety. My racing thoughts slowed down, and I felt physically calmer than I usually do when I'm lying in bed.

Because my body wasn't so focused on anxiety, I found sadness, an emotion that I typically suppress, making its way to the surface. The blanket's distraction from my defensive anxiety forced me to confront the sorrow I often choose to ignore, and I had my first good cry in months.

I felt relieved as I fell asleep and slept soundly through the night.

The next day, I decided to try using the blanket while watching a movie.

Foto: I tested the Napper while watching a movie. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I felt refreshed from the good night's rest I got thanks to the Napper, so I wanted to see what it felt like to use the blanket when I wasn't sleeping.

Lugging it from my room to the living room was a bit tiring, as 15 pounds is heavier than you would think.

But once I was settled in on the couch, the Napper felt good. The weight made me feel focused on the moment I was in.

I found myself crying again while I watched the movie.

Foto: I cried again during the film. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I'm typically not someone who cries during movies, but I got teary-eyed multiple times as I watched Greta Gerwig's "Lady Bird," a film I'd seen before.

Because the blanket centered me firmly in the present, my emotions felt more intense and accessible.

It was almost as if the physical distraction gave my body permission to let go.

I settled into bed with the blanket for night two.

Foto: I didn't enjoy the Napper as much while sharing a bed with my partner. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I was sharing the bed with my partner that night, and I was interested to see how the experience of the Napper differed with a second person in the mix.

The blanket wasn't big enough for the both of us, so I put it on top of my side of the bed.

Unfortunately, the combination of his body heat and the weight of the blanket made me feel too warm. I ended up kicking the blanket down toward my feet while I slept.

When I woke up the next day, the weight of the blanket had pulled the sheet off of my bed.

Foto: The blanket messed up my bed. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

The heaviness of the Napper combined with me and my partner had pulled the sheet askew, so I woke up on top of my bare mattress.

It took me longer to make my bed in the morning as a result.

On night three, I tried sleeping with just the weighted blanket on top of me.

Foto: I slept with only the Napper the next night. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I took my comforter and top sheet off of my bed to see what it was like to experience just the Napper. I wasn't worried about having the blanket right on top of me, as it's machine-washable.

I enjoyed the weight again, but I was surprised to find myself getting a bit chilly in the middle of the night. I ended up pulling my comforter on top of the Napper.

But I thought the weighted blanket alone would be a good temperature for sharing the bed with my partner.

I was worried the Napper was starting to loosen as I looked at it.

Foto: The weave seemed looser. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I could feel the weave growing looser in the places where I had pulled the blanket closer to me, and I was worried that would only get worse as I continued to use it.

I went back to placing the Napper on top of my comforter for night four, which I found worked best for me.

Foto: I loved the temperature of the blanket. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I run cold, so the extra blanket on top of my typical sheet and comforter was perfect.

I also liked how it felt to place my arm on top of the blanket while I fell asleep.

Despite my worries about the fabric, the blanket was holding up fine by night four.

Foto: The blanket was surviving. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

It still felt soft in my hand, and the weave seemed to be intact. It didn't totally assuage my concerns, but I was glad it hadn't completely loosened.

Although I didn't cry that night, I did feel calmer than I usually do, and I fell asleep quickly.

By night five, I felt completely comfortable with the blanket.

Foto: I slept soundly each night I used the blanket. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

My body knew what to expect from the Napper at that point, and it did make me feel calmer as I fell asleep.

It still took me a while to reach slumber on night five, but I didn't feel the sense of panic that I often do.

The next day, I tried wrapping the blanket around me while I relaxed.

Foto: Wrapping the blanket around my shoulders calmed me down. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I loved the weight of the blanket in this experience, as I often carry stress in my shoulders.

Putting the Napper directly on my stress spot was extremely comforting. It felt like a combination of a massage and an extended hug.

And later that evening, on night six, I happily settled in for sleep.

Foto: The blanket made me feel groggy in the morning. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

I slept soundly again, though I did notice the weighted blanket made it slightly more difficult for me to get out of bed in the morning.

The weight and the comfort it provided made me less eager to get up and get my day going.

By the last night of the experiment, I was confident I'd sleep well with the Napper on top of me.

Foto: The Napper was reliable in helping me sleep. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

The blanket worked wonderfully when I was sleeping alone in my room, as the open weave prevented me from getting too warm, while the weight kept me calm.

I'd also been satisfied with the weight all week because 15 pounds felt a lot heavier in blanket form.

Overall, I think the Napper from Bearaby is a pretty good investment.

Foto: The Napper lived up to the hype. Source: Samantha Grindell/Insider

The blanket definitely isn't ideal if you're sharing a bed with a partner, and I'm still skeptical about what might happen to the fabric with continual use.

However, the weighted blanket definitely calmed my anxiety, and the soft, open weave made sure I didn't get too hot. Plus, the look is definitely cuter than alternatives on the market, and it's more eco-friendly than competing projects.

Most of all, I was grateful the experience showed me a way to feel more in touch with my emotions, freeing me of some of their burden.

If you're looking for this weighted blanket in a fun color, Bearaby just released the Napsicle in collaboration with the popsicle company The Hyppo.

Foto: Bearaby and The Hyppo created the Napsicle. Source: Bearaby

The collection features three limited-edition blankets in ombré hues that coordinate to three of The Hyppo's popsicle flavors.

Mango Siesta is orange, Watermelon Dreams is light pink, and Blueberry Nights is a soft purple, while the matching popsicle flavors are each refreshing in their own ways.

The Napsicle costs $259 for a 15-pound blanket, making it slightly more expensive than the original Napper. Three popsicles from The Hyppo are included with the purchase of a blanket.

You can learn more about the Napsicle here and the Napper here.