On November 4, 2008, more than 69.4 million Americans voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) to become the 44th president of the United States – and the first African-American to hold the position.

Obama, then 47, earned 365 electoral votes and nearly 53% of the popular vote in a wider-than-expected margin of victory. His Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), captured 173 electoral votes and a little more than 45% of the popular vote.

On Tuesday, Americans head to the polls to elect the country’s 45th president. Here are 44 memorable photos of America’s 44th president – Barack Obama.

White House photographer Pete Souza took this photo of President-elect Barack Obama moments before Obama took the oath of office.

Foto: source The White House

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama shared a moment at the Inaugural Ball on January 20, 2009.

Foto: source The White House

The next day, Obama entered the Oval Office to begin his first full day as America’s 44th president.

Foto: source The White House

Obama reads a letter that former President George W. Bush left for him in the Oval Office’s resolute desk. Leaving a letter for the incoming president has become a White House tradition.

Foto: source The White House

Obama toured the White House grounds with curator William Allman, chief usher Adm. Stephen Rochon, and presidential personal aide Reggie Love.

Foto: source The White House

Here’s a photo of Obama meeting with senior advisers in the Oval Office during the third week of his presidency.

Foto: source The White House

Wearing an embroidered crew jacket, Obama waited for the first of many flights aboard Air Force One.

Foto: source The White House

Obama gave his first State of the Union address on February 24, 2009.

Foto: source The White House

The Obamas walked to Marine One on the South Lawn before heading off on one of their first trips to Camp David.

Foto: source The White House

The Obamas were welcomed by Queen Elizabeth II to Buckingham Palace in London while in town for the G20 summit.

Foto: source The White House

Obama gave a fist bump to a US soldier while visiting troops at Camp Victory in Iraq on April 7, 2009.

Foto: source The White House

President Obama and Michelle smiled at each other inside a White House elevator after a Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Foto: source The White House

Obama and Vice President Joe Biden practiced their putting skills on the White House green.

Foto: source The White House

Obama tours the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt for the first time during his 11th presidential trip abroad.

Foto: source The White House

In this July 2009 photo, Obama attended his first G8 summit, which was held in L'Aquila, Italy.

Foto: source The White House

Over the summer of 2009, Obama visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

Foto: source The White House

Obama laughed at a picture of himself during an interview on the "Late Show with David Letterman."

Foto: source The White House

The Obamas welcomed children from local schools for Halloween festivities at the White House.

Foto: source The White House

Obama was applauded by Nobel Committee Chairman Thorbjorn Jagland after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, 2009.

Foto: source AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Obamas posed for their first holiday portrait in front of the official White House Christmas tree.

Foto: source The White House

At the beginning of the new year, White House photographer Pete Souza took this photo of Obama meeting with members of his cabinet. The president's chair is marked with a plaque engraved with his inauguration date.

Foto: source The White House

The Obamas danced during the Governors' Ball held in the East Room of the White House.

Foto: source The White House

Obama reads some documents while waiting for Marine One at the Westchester County Airport in New York.

Foto: source The White House

Obama speaks with a congressman about the healthcare-reform bill. "In those final days before the vote, the President made hundreds of calls," wrote White House photographer Pete Souza.

Foto: source The White House

Alongside White House staff and Vice President Joe Biden, Obama clapped while watching the historic House vote to pass the Affordable Care Act.

Foto: source The White House

Obama boarded Air Force One while the sun set at Miami International Airport.

Foto: source The White House

The Obamas pretended to sing with an a capella group after a holiday tour of the White House.

Foto: source The White House

"A lighter moment during a meeting in the Situation Room of the White House," Souza wrote.

Foto: source The White House

Obama shook hands with US soldiers at Bagram Airfield after an all-night, unannounced flight to Afghanistan in December 2010.

Foto: source The White House

The Obamas stared at Rio de Janeiro's famous Christ the Redeemer statue while visiting Brazil in March 2011.

Foto: source The White House

Obama saluted a Marine while walking toward Marine One helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House.

Foto: source The White House

Taken on May 1, 2011, from the White House Situation Room, Obama's national-security team monitored the real-time mission against Osama bin Laden. Souza took approximately 100 photographs during this confidential meeting.

Foto: source The White House

"The president was ready to announce the news about the mission against Osama bin Laden and was putting the finishing touches on his statement in the Outer Oval Office. As he did so, the networks broke in with bulletins confirming that bin Laden had been killed and a photograph of him appeared on the television screen in the background near the Vice President and Press Secretary Jay Carney," Souza wrote.

Foto: source The White House

"One of the most memorable moments of the year was when the president hugged Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as he walked onto the floor of the House Chamber at the US Capitol to deliver his annual State of the Union address," Souza wrote in January 2012. Giffords was shot in a 2011 mass shooting in Arizona.

Foto: source The White House

"The President hugs the first lady after she had introduced him at a campaign event in Davenport, Iowa. The campaign tweeted a similar photo from the campaign photographer on election night and a lot of people thought it was taken on election day," Souza wrote. When the campaign tweeted it on election night, it became the most retweeted photo of all time.

Foto: source The White House

Obama kissed the first lady for the "kiss cam" during the US men's Olympic basketball team's game against Brazil in Washington, D.C.

Foto: source The White House

Obama sang "Happy Birthday" to Michelle in the Blue Room of the White House in 2013. Her new hairstyle attracted a lot of attention.

Foto: source Pete Souza

In this photo, Obama sits in front of cameras taking images that will later make a 3D portrait for the Smithsonian Institution.

Foto: source The White House

"We were at the NATO Summit in Wales when someone mentioned to the President that Stonehenge wasn't that far away. 'Let's go,' he said. So when the Summit ended, we took a slight detour on the way back to Air Force One," Souza wrote in September 2014.

Foto: source The White House

Obama laughed as he and Michelle recorded a holiday video message in the Map Room of the White House.

Foto: source The White House

This March 2015 photo shows Obama delivering remarks during an event to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the Selma to Montgomery civil-rights marches.

Foto: source The White House

Obama shook hands with President Raúl Castro of Cuba during the Summit of the Americas on April 11, 2015. The US and Cuba have moved toward a historic thaw in relations over the past year.

Foto: source The White House

Vice President Joe Biden announced he would not seek the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination in October, as Obama stood by his side during an appearance in the Rose Garden of the White House.

Foto: source REUTERS/Carlos Barria

In this November 2015 photo, Obama collects a folder holding the bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 after signing it into law in the Oval Office.

Foto: source Reuters