Queen Latifah was initially surprised to hear that Nicki Minaj announced that she was retiring, but quickly said the rapper “must be in love and happy,” in a TMZ video.

“Let her live, she’s been grinding for a long time,” Latifah said when a TMZ reporter asked what she thought of Minaj’s retirement.

Latifah, who began her career as a rapper 30 years ago, added that Minaj will be back.

Read more: Nicki Minaj said she’s retiring from music to have a family, weeks after her controversial engagement to a man convicted of attempted rape and manslaughter

"Once you're a rapper, you're always a rapper," Latifah concluded.

Last week, Minaj announced via Twitter that she was retiring in order to "have a family." The news came a few weeks after she revealed plans to marry her boyfriend, Kenneth Perry, on an episode of Queeen Radio, her Beats 1 radio show.

Minaj later responded to a sad fan on Twitter, saying that she'd discuss what her retirement means in an upcoming episode of Queen Radio.

Fans of Latifah and Minaj have taken to Twitter to comment on how sweet Latifah's comments were.

