The adorably tiny $60 NES Classic Edition is officially a collector’s item. Nintendo halted production in April and has no plans to make more.

Other than going to places like eBay, where you’ll pay a premium for the system, there’s another strong option for buying something similar to the NES Classic Edition without actually getting it. It’s called the RetroN 1 HD.

Try to ignore the dumb name for a second while you take a gander at this attractive little box:

RetroN 1 HD

Foto: Pretty fresh, right? source Hyperkin

Not bad, right? Here's the kicker: It costs just $39.99, and it can play every single NES game. Here's the deal.

Unlike the NES Classic Edition, the RetroN HD 1 is built to play every NES game ever made. You slap an NES cartridge into the opening on top, and you're off to the races.

Foto: source Hyperkin

The console works with Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges from North America (NTSC), as well as those from Europe (PAL). It's unclear if the console will play Japanese cartridges from the Famicom game console, but it seemingly cannot; we've asked Hyperkin and haven't heard back yet.

That said, compared with the 30 games included on the NES Classic Edition, the RetroN 1 HD is a major step up. Granted, you'll need the cartridges, but you should have no problem finding your favorite NES cartridges for ridiculously low prices ($2-$3 apiece for most).

BONUS PRO TIP: If you have NES cartridges that don't boot up, try cleaning the exposed part of the cartridge (the bottom part) with alcohol on a cotton swab. If the cartridge doesn't boot up after doing that, it's almost certainly broken. Do not blow on your cartridges - that does nothing (other than make them dirtier).

What do you get in the box for $40? Here's everything we know:

Foto: source Hyperkin

Hyperkin says you get three main things in the box:

-One premium classic-style controller

-One 3 ft. HD cable

-One 6 ft. micro-USB charge cable

That means that there are no games included - part of the reason that the system costs $20 less than the NES Classic Edition - so you'll need to snag some of those as well. But you probably already have a bunch of old NES cartridges sitting around collecting dust, right? Right.

Other than just playing your old NES games, the RetroN 1 HD — living up to the "HD" in its name" — actually upscales them to high-definition.

Foto: This is the original 4:3 aspect ratio that "The Legend of Zelda" was presented in, but it's being played on a modern display with a 16:9 aspect ratio. As a result, there are large black bars on either side of the game. It's not a great solution. source Nintendo

You might be wondering what "upscaling" means when we're talking about 8-bit games from 30 years ago. In the case of the RetroN 1 HD, it means you can play those games on your HD television in the correct aspect ratio (16:9) instead of having massive black bars on either side of the screen.

Because these games are so old, they are presented in a 4:3 aspect ratio - which is to say, "they weren't presented in a widescreen format." As a result, NES games can look unfortunately scrawny on a modern television. The RetroN 1 HD fixes that issue.

BONUS: There is a switch on the bottom of the RetroN 1 HD that enables you to switch between the classic aspect ratio (4:3) and the modern one (16:9), if you're into that kinda thing.

Another advantage the RetroN 1 HD has over the NES Classic Edition: the gamepad has a lengthy 10 feet of cable.

Foto: Notably, this is the original NES gamepad — <b>not</b> the RetroN 1 HD gamepad. You've already seen it in previous images, though! source Evan Amos / Wikimedia

One of the big problems with the NES Classic Edition was the bizarrely short gamepad cable. It was just three feet long, which forced players to sit ridiculously close to the game console in order to use it. This meant that the HDMI cable from the console was stretched across your living room, or it meant that you were sitting ridiculously close to your television.

This isn't a problem with the RetroN 1 HD, which has 10 feet of controller cable.

BONUS: If you want to plug in your classic NES gamepad, you totally can - the RetroN 1 HD uses the original controller ports from the NES (whereas the NES Classic Edition used more modern ports).

Unfortunately, one of the best aspects of the NES Classic Edition isn't built into the RetroN 1 HD: Save states.

Foto: This is how save states worked on the NES Classic Edition. The RetroN 1 HD seemingly doesn't have this functionality, which is a bummer. source Nintendo

In some NES games, you could save your game. "The Legend of Zelda," for instance, allowed players to save their game and return later.

But in many NES games, there's no way to save. Maybe they have a password system, like the "Mega Man" games. But many have nothing at all - players used to straight up leave their NES turned on, paused, while doing other things. It was an imperfect solution to a frustrating issue.

The NES Classic Edition solved this issue in an elegant way: You could save any game at any point; you could turn off the console and come back later, assured that your game stayed right where you left it. The RetroN 1 HD doesn't appear to have this function, which is a tremendous bummer.

All that said, between the $40 price tag and the ability to play <em>literally every NES game</em>, the RetroN 1 HD is a helluva stand-in for the discontinued NES Classic Edition.

Foto: source Hyperkin

The RetroN 1 HD isn't available just yet, but you can pre-order the console on Amazon right now. Hyperkin's saying it launches pretty soon, on May 25.