One of the biggest games in the world is heading to Apple’s set-top box: “Minecraft”!

Despite being a game owned-and-operated by Apple rival Microsoft, the game is the latest addition to Apple’s little TV box. It’s been on iPhone and iPad for years already, so why stop there?

It’s likely that the version of “Minecraft” showing up on Apple TV – which Apple CEO Tim Cook says will be available by the end of 2016 – will be the “Pocket Edition” that’s already available on phones and tablets. That version is slightly truncated from the version available on game consoles and PC/Mac – you can’t play on worlds that are quite as large as they are on other platforms, for instance. Not a huge deal, but something to be aware of if you’re a “Minecraft” superfan.

apple tv

Foto: Apple TV and its remote. source Apple

In so many words: Given the lack of beefy processing power inside of the Apple TV box, it's unlikely to be as fully featured as the version featured on game consoles and PC/Mac. It's also unclear if you'll be required to own a separate gamepad to play "Minecraft" - the Apple TV remote is capable of serving as a (rudimentary) controller, but "Minecraft" requires more inputs than the little remote is capable of providing.

Apple didn't offer a price, or a specific release date, but the version of "Minecraft" available on iOS right now costs $6.99.