• Microsoft told workers Monday that they can keep working from home through October, unless their job requires that they come to the office.
  • Employees are currently working from home amid COVID-19 shutdowns mandated by governments across the globe.
  • Even after shutdowns are lifted, working from home will remain optional for Microsoft employees through at least October, a company spokesperson confirmed to Business Insider.
  • Stay-at-home orders in Washington, where Microsoft is headquartered, will remain in place through May 31 at the earliest.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Microsoft employees can get used to working from home for the time being. Even as stay-home orders gradually lift across the US, the company has told most employees that they can keep working from home through October.

Microsoft’s offices have been closed since March in accordance with government mandated stay-at-home orders. On Monday, the company notified employees that even as those orders are lifted, they will have the option to work from home, a company spokesperson confirmed to Business Insider.

“When restrictions lift, working from home will remain optional through October unless employees are in an essential role or local authorities mandate otherwise,” the spokesperson said.

Microsoft is one of the biggest employers in tech, with more than 144,000 employees worldwide. About 85,000 of those are located in the US, according to Statista. Microsoft’s decision follows a similar announcement from Amazon, which said last week that most employees will be allowed to continue working from home through October 2.

In Washington, where Microsoft is headquartered, stay-at-home orders are set to expire on May 31 at the earliest. It's not clear if Microsoft will give all employees the option to return to work as soon as the restrictions are lifted. A Microsoft spokesperson did not immediately clarify whether employees will be allowed back in the office as soon as restrictions lift.