You are most likely to encounter corruption doing business in China than any where else, according to a study by the Risk Advisory Group.
Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar feature in the top 10 most challenging countries in which to do business from the point of view of corruption, according to the report, while China tops the global list.
“There is no denying that the country’s large market and growing middle class is attractive for foreign investors, but endemic corruption in some sectors, the close nexus between business and politics, and the high incidence of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement actions make for a high-risk business environment,” Brendan McGloin, head of Asia business intelligence, said in the report.
Where China got a corruption risk score of 67.5, the highest in the report, the US got a score of 8, which is higher than North Korea and Switzerland’s mark of 7.5.
“T0 rank the countries, we considered the threat of corruption, the exposure of foreign investors to it and the availability of credible evidence and reliable information upon which to base integrity investigations in each country,” Bill Waite, CEO of the Risk Advisory Group, said.
Check out the map below. The redder the country, the higher the risk to business: