• On Wednesday, beauty YouTuber James Charles defended videos he shared on Instagram that showed him attending a party hosted by Kylie Jenner.
  • “Posting a few stories of me smiling doesn’t mean I’m ‘better’ or my [social-media] break was for sympathy,” Charles wrote on Twitter.
  • He shared the tweets after fans questioned his relationship with Jenner, who unfollowed him in the midst of his most recent scandal.
  • On Thursday, Charles also seemingly made light of his feud with Tati Westbrook and Jeffree Star by posting images of his birthday cake with the phrase “so famous” written in chocolate; Westbrook had accused Charles of using friends for fame.
  • Visit INSIDER’s homepage for more stories.

Just a few days after the end of his most recent scandal, James Charles has returned to social media.

On Tuesday, the beauty YouTuber shared multiple videos on his Instagram story while attending the launch party of Kylie Skin, a new brand created by Kylie Jenner. Fans were initially confused by his appearance at the event because Jenner recently unfollowed the makeup artist in the midst of his feud with his former mentor Tati Westbrook, another successful beauty vlogger.

On Wednesday, Charles took to Twitter to defend his recent posts, which seem to go against the “social-media break” he told fans he would be taking in his most recent video, “No More Lies.”

“I said I wouldn’t be filming for a bit and would pop in on my other socials, point being to focus on living rather than forcing content,” Charles wrote on Twitter. “Healing for me consists of doing things that make me happy, such as playing with makeup & being social, instead of laying in bed all day.”

He then shared another tweet and said, "Social media is a part of my life and I like keeping up with all of you, and I know a lot of you like keeping up with me!"

"Posting a few stories of me smiling doesn't mean I'm 'better' or my break was for sympathy," Charles wrote. "It means I'm trying to move on with my life and better myself!"

Read more: James Charles went to Kylie Jenner's party for her new skin-care line, even after she unfollowed him during the Tati Westbrook drama

The tweets were shared after Charles said he was taking a 'social-media break' in his latest YouTube video

"As for my other social medias, I pledge to myself that I'm going to try to power down as much as I can," Charles said in his "No More Lies" video. "I'm sure I'll be checking here and there, of course, but I do really want to focus more on in-person time and the people around me that are loving and caring."

"Whenever I do come back - I don't know when it is - I just cannot wait to show you guys a better version of me," Charles said.

Charles took to Instagram on Thursday to begin celebrating his 20th birthday

After posting his tweets on Wednesday, Charles then took to Instagram on Thursday to reshare a video posted by his friend Drew Scott.

The clip shows Charles standing behind a cake as his friends sing "Happy Birthday."

james charles birthday

Foto: James Charles stands behind a birthday cake.sourceJames Charles and Drew Scott/Instagram

Charles then shared a close-up of the birthday cake, which featured the phrase "so famous" written in chocolate. He captioned the photo, "too soon."

james charles birthday cake

Foto: James Charles shared a photo of his birthday cake on Instagram.sourceJames Charles/Instagram

With his birthday cake, Charles and his friends could have been making light of the makeup mogul's feud with Tati Westbrook

In a now-deleted video posted by Westbrook titled "Bye Sister," which originally ignited the drama-filled feud, the 37-year-old beauty vlogger said that Charles frequently uses his "fame, power, and money" to manipulate those around him.

james charles tati westbrook

Foto: James Charles and Tati Westbrook.sourceJames Charles/YouTube

Charles then responded to Westbrook's accusations in his "No More Lies" video.

"The 'I'm a celebrity' thing is really incredibly frustrating to me because this is an inside joke between my friends and I that Tati has also participated in," Charles said in his video. "She twisted this to be something far worse than what it is."

He then said the joke is meant to say "I'm famous," rather than "I'm a celebrity."

"It's something that we don't say in public very often because without context, I get it - it looks and sounds really, really bad," Charles said. "Famous is synonymous with anything good. So yeah, if my YouTube video does well one day, my friends will say 'Oh my god James, you're so famous.'"

"But literally if my friend takes a good Instagram photo, 'Oh my god, you're so famous.'" he continued. "If our Buffalo Boneless Wings at Chili's are extra delicious one day, 'Oh my god, these wings are so, so famous.'"

Representatives for James Charles did not immediately reply to INSIDER's request for comment.