• Laura Stevenson started online dating about nine years ago.
  • During that time, she had a few experiences that made her decide she preferred the single life.
  • This is her story, as told to Kelly Burch.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Laura Stevenson. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

Nine years ago, I dated someone I met on Plenty of Fish. The relationship didn't last, and I'm not even sure whether the app is still around. I've decided that online dating is where the scum of the earth goes to dwell — at least in my experience. So at 44, I've embraced being single. 

I've learned that I'm happy with my life without the chaos of online dating or dating in general. In the two years since my last relationship, I've asked myself what previous partners have brought to the table, and I've realized it hasn't been much. Frankly, I love my table as is and don't need anyone else messing it up.

I don't think I would feel so strongly if I hadn't had so many outrageous online-dating experiences. While I can laugh about them now, I see online dating as mildly dangerous. When you meet someone through friends or work, there's a level of accountability that I just don't think is there when you meet strangers online. I'm grateful that I had the awareness to get away from the men I met on these sites. 

After a few bad experiences with dating apps, I decided I was done with them

A few years ago, I would have said my online dating was a success story. I had a teenage son but had split with his dad. I decided to start dating again, and I'd met a partner online. We fell in love and even bought a house together. But one day, after five years of dating, he went to work and left his phone at home. Later, he called me and asked me to bring it to him. When I picked up the phone, I saw several Snapchat notifications. I thought that was odd since my partner didn't have Snapchat — to my knowledge.

I called him and told him I wasn't going to bring the phone to his work and wanted to know what else I would find it. He told me it was nothing, but it turned out that the phone was full of messages to other women, dating back years.

There were photos of them naked and even conversations about me. I realized he had app hiders, which disguise apps and keep them off the home screen. Luckily, you can see the apps in some settings, which is how I realized he had downloaded many dating apps.

I could see from the message history that he'd been active on them the entire time we'd been together. When he came home from work, he tried to explain, but I felt like I didn't know who he was at all. That night, I kicked him out of the house. 

After our breakup, I downloaded Tinder. I was looking for validation, and I thought I'd get it through attention from matching with people. I wanted to know it wasn't my fault that my partner had cheated; I needed to confirm that I wasn't repulsive to men. 

But over the next few years, I matched with — and dated — a couple of more people who solidified my opinion that nothing good could come into my life from dating apps. The first was an academic with a prestigious position. I was surprised he wanted to be with me. A few months into dating, his behavior became aggressive and controlling. It came to a head one night when I was out with friends. I'd invited him, but he turned down the invitation. Later, he told me I wasn't allowed to be there and called every five minutes ordering me to come home. 

The last man I dated was 11 years older than me. Despite the age gap, I was the oldest woman he'd ever dated. Most of his exes had been decades younger. As our relationship progressed, he, too, became more and more controlling. The night we broke up, he locked me out of his house and kept my dog inside with him. When he finally let me in, he took my keys so I couldn't go home for hours.

Now I'm embracing the harmony of being single

Since these experiences, I've realized that I have no interest in dating ever again, whether I meet someone online or off. Yes, I feel a bit disillusioned with men, but it's more than that. I'm also quite happy with my life and with being single. I don't want to relive the stress of dating when I don't feel any desire to have a partner.

About a year ago, I moved from the UK to France. Now I live in a tiny village. My neighbors love to tell me about men around town who are looking for a wife. I tell them I'm not interested. 

I have a tiny house and an acre of land that I'm slowly transforming into a garden. My son and other loved ones regularly come to visit me. I don't feel like I'm missing anything by staying single. I've decided that living in peace is wildly underrated. I'm building a life around myself, and I'm not interested in giving up my newfound harmony for anyone.

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