A US one dollar bill of George Washington with a finger over his lips to hush the viewer.
Insider is launching a new series, "Salary Journeys," that demystifies pay and compensation.Samantha Lee/Insider
  • Insider is launching a new series, "Salary Journeys," that demystifies pay and compensation.
  • We're seeking anonymous submissions from people who wish to share their salary history.
  • The goal of the series is to create even more transparency as taboos around pay break down.

Insider is launching a new series spotlighting people's salary history, and we want to hear from you.

The series, entitled "Salary Journeys," is an anonymized collection of stories, each one focusing on a different person's compensation across their various jobs. We want to feature a diverse collection of occupations, workers, experience levels, and salaries.

The goal of "Salary Journeys" is to create even more transparency for job seekers at a time when taboos around pay are quickly breaking down. 

One Glassdoor study found 70% of employees, across seven countries, said they believed salary transparency is good for employee satisfaction. An even more sizable portion, 72% of respondents, thought it was good for business.

Still, pay is sensitive, and you might not want to discuss your full history with anyone but your closest friends. 

That's where "Salary Journeys" comes in: Think of each story as a trusted advisor who's been there before and can offer industry-specific insight. The more stories we receive, the more we can demystify the job market and create fairer, more informed conversations around pay.   

If you are interested in sharing your salary journey, please send an email to Chris Weller at [email protected] with your name, age, occupation, and a description of your salary journey. (This will remain 100% confidential. No information will ever be shared publicly.)

We will read all submissions, and an editor or reporter from Insider will respond as soon as possible.

Read the original article on Business Insider