• Humans have between three and nine dreams every night, even when we don't remember them. 
  • No one can tell you exactly what a dream means since they are usually metaphors. 
  • These are the five most common dreams and what they are trying to tell you. 

In my first-ever remembered dream, when I was 5 years old, I dreamed of being chased by an evil witch, running, desperately hiding to avoid her wrath around the turrets of her scary castle. In the morning, I shared my dream with my younger sister, who was barely 4, and she told me she'd had the same dream. 

Most kids have strong dream recall, but it tends to fade as we enter puberty. That wasn't the case for me because my younger sister and I had what is known as tandem dreaming. We often ended up in the same dream at the same time and then remembered it and shared it with each other the next morning over breakfast. Having a partner in crime made dreams stick, even past the time when they might've typically faded.

Since those early days, I've had dreams that have guided, healed, and, I believe, even saved my life, and I've witnessed dream-related miracles in the lives of people I've worked with professionally as a certified clinical hypnotherapist for the past 25 years. Needless to say, I'm a dream enthusiast, and I hope you will be too.

Since it's clinically proven that we humans dream between three to nine dreams every night, spending a third of our lives sleeping and dreaming, to whet your dream whistle, I've decoded five of the most commonly remembered dream themes. 

But first, here are a few things you should know about dreams. Dreams speak in pictures, metaphors, and wordplay —  so pardon the puns. No one but you can tell you definitively what your dream means. But, as a frequent flier, I'll make suggestions as to what I think they're telling you in hopes of guiding you closer to your own understanding. May these inspire you to stop taking your dreams lying down and instead attune to their whacky but brilliant wisdom.

Being chased — outrunning your power

Have you been avoiding unpleasant feelings or aspects of yourself you've deemed unlovable? The surprising message of this dream is there is no aspect of you inherently unworthy — every part is vital to you becoming the empowered being you are meant to be. Imagine the end of an old "Scooby Doo" cartoon, where you unmask the caper only to discover the scary person is a part of you that had been excluded, scared, and vulnerable. 

Falling — afraid of failing

Dreams of falling signify a feeling of loss of control, insecurity, overwhelm, or lack of confidence. You may be judging yourself for having failed at something you set out to do, for fear of losing your step as a result of not having your feet firmly planted on the earth. Or you may be in a cycle of change, and thus feeling in over your head. 

Teeth — speak the truth to power

Dreams of teeth breaking or crumbling often relate to communication issues or feelings of vulnerability regarding survival issues (like finances). Ask yourself if you've been withholding expression when it's important to bear your teeth. Think of this as a message to clean up communication that's gotten away from you, as in loose speech, like "loose lips, sink ships."

Back at School — you're being tested

Dreams of being back at school, forgetting your locker combination, or that you had an important test may reflect you're in a learning phase that's "testing" your mettle. These dreams might harken back to the first time you felt pressured to "make the grade." The message is to remove your backpack of insecurities and prepare yourself so you may graduate into a successful future. 

Flying — rising above your obstacles

In a flying dream, you experience what it feels like to break free from physical constraints and limitations. These dreams help you to feel the breadth of your wingspan, so you can better tap into your creative and spiritual potential. Consider this dream a reward, letting you know you are on track; encouragement to keep doing what you're doing, so you may continue to participate in life from a more liberated perspective. 

Kelly Sullivan Walden, aka Doctor Dream, is the author of many books on dreams. Her latest book is "A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing To Waste," and her upcoming book is "Stripped: Dancing with My Demons in the City of Angels." To receive her free JETSET dream interpretation worksheet, go to: www.KellySullivanWalden.com.

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