BFire Cannes restaurant lunch view club sandwich
The view and the sandwich made for a pretty delightful lunch.
Jacob Sarkisian
  • I stayed in Cannes during the Cannes Film Festival, and visited the prestigious Le Majestic.
  • The hotel is famous for its $37 club sandwich. They make about 1500 sandwiches during the festival.
  • While the restaurant was lovely and the club was simplicity at its finest, it wasn't worth $37.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Le Majestic is one of Cannes' most famous and prestigious hotels. The luxury residence, which belongs to the Hotel Barrière, hosts the Cannes Film Festival every year and houses some of cinema's biggest stars during that time.

In the rush of seeing film after film, however, the stars don't always get time to relax. Even their meals are stripped down to a hurried club sandwich.

Head chef Pierrick Cizeron told Insider that during the two-week festival, more than 1500 club sandwiches are made.

Naturally, I had to get my hand on one of those myself to find out exactly why this simple club sandwich is so in-demand.

While it was a delicious meal that I could barely finish, it was no way worth the hefty $37 price tag.

Le Majestic Cannes beach entrance
Le Majestic is a venue on the Cannes beachfront.
Jacob Sarkisian

Le Majestic's beach front setting is one of the best parts of the luxury dining experience

The venue, firstly, is one of the most pleasant places I've ever eaten.

The restaurant sits on the hotel's private beach, BFire, which is open to the public along with hotel guests, making it inclusive and welcoming.

Le Majestic beach front
The restaurant is situated literally right on the beach.
Jacob Sarkisian
BFire restaurant
The restaurant is open to the public.
Jacob Sarkisian

Situated right on the beach front, the restaurant houses a bar with plenty of tables. Whether you enjoy tanning while you have lunch or catching some shade, Le Majestic has plenty of tables that feature whatever you fancy.

Still, the place where most diners will want to eat is the extended platform that stretches out from the beach house into the the sea. Talk about luxury!

BFire Le Majestic side view
The best place to eat is on that platform reaching out into the sea.
Jacob Sarkisian
BFire Cannes restaurant front view sunny
The platform offered both sun and shade.
Jacob Sarkisian
BFire Cannes restaurannt close up
The staff were welcoming and helpful.
Jacob Sarkisian

This all-white platform, which felt like you were walking on a solid surface rather than a floating pontoon, enabled diners to enjoy the best of the Cannes weather.

You could take in the heat of southern France while under a huge white umbrella, enjoying the breeze coming from the sea.

BFire Cannes Le Majestic table view
The view from my table was great.
Jacob Sarkisian

The restaurant's attentive service and all the extra pre-meal goodies you could ask for also made this experience top-notch

The view only got better once I actually sat down at my table as I felt like I was in the middle of the Bay of Cannes.

As I waited to order, I spotted a cute little boat right beside me. Further down the platform, a number of larger boats were anchored, giving the place a very unique Cannes-feel.

BFire Cannes restaurant table view boat
A boat right next to my table.
Jacob Sarkisian
BFire Cannes table view
Other diners also enjoyed the view.
Jacob Sarkisian

The service was as attentive as you'd expect for a restaurant and hotel of this prestige, and they quickly took my order before bringing over a number of extras for the table that came free of charge and were part of the dining experience.

BFire Cannes restaurant table
My table at the restaurant.
Jacob Sarkisian

These complimentary extras included olives, nuts, a small round loaf of bread and accompanying dips that featured olive oil, ginger, and lemon.

While the bread was good, the olive oil dip was probably the tastiest part of the entire meal. It's definitely something I'll be making at home for sure.

However, the nuts were so-so and the olives were so salty they were almost inedible. In all, it felt like a waste to give a table of one so much food.

BFire Cannes restaurant table and extras
I was given a lot of extras before my order even came.
Jacob Sarkisian

And if you love condiments, then you'd be in heaven thanks to a trio of extra dips: ketchup, mayonnaise, and Dijon mustard.

For a large table, all of these extras would be perfect. But for a table of one, it just felt like the sort of over-indulgent excess for which prestigious hotels are often known.

BFire Cannes restaurant olives and nuts
The plate featured olives, peppers, and garlic, along with two varieties of spiced nuts.
Jacob Sarkisian
BFire Cannes restaurant bread and dips
A loaf of bread with an olive oil dip, plus little pots of extra dips.
Jacob Sarkisian

The sandwich was simplicity at its best

My meal came quickly and the rather expensive club sandwich came with an arugula salad and basket of french fries, which were pretty great.

BFire Cannes club sandwich
The famous club sandwich.
Jacob Sarkisian

The sandwich itself was very simple: chicken breast, lettuce, tomatoes, and hard-boiled egg on toasted bread. There were no frills or needless extravagances here, and this made it all the more enjoyable.

BFire Cannes club sandwich Jacob selfie
It was pretty difficult to eat.
Jacob Sarkisian

Like all clubs, it was pretty difficult to eat. But once you got into it and took a really good bite, the sandwich was really good. It wasn't too dry and it wasn't too sloppy.

BFire Cannes Club sandwich close ups
The sandwich was packed full of filling.
Jacob Sarkisian

I managed to finish the whole thing and thoroughly enjoyed every bite, but I barely touched the fries. After having my fill of the freebies, it was a lot of food for one person.

The verdict: No sandwich should ever cost $37. Let's be real.

I've had better clubs for less money. (In fact, I can remember a particular club sandwich I ordered when I was a kid on holiday with my family in a Spain bar while watching soccer. That sandwich cost around $9.)

I'm not sure any sandwich, no matter how good, would be worth $37 (or €32 to be exact) and, sadly, despite its deliciousness, this one was no way worth the price tag.

Read the original article on Insider