Girl taking break while hiking in snow in Alaska
Julie Rideout/Getty Images
  • My family and I moved from Los Angeles to a remote island in Alaska. 
  • During the winter, the sun sets at 2 p.m. That doesn't keep us from having fun.
  • Having the appropriate clothing and an open mind gets us through the cold winter days.

The remote island in southeast Alaska where my family and I live has a Coast Guard presence, so I've picked up a few handy expressions from enlisted neighbors and friends. My favorite is "sunshine liberty," a bit of time off when the weather is nice, which is a big deal in an often overcast place. Keeping morale up is important in the military — and in parenting small children.

So a variation on sunshine liberty has become my prevailing parenting style, and I'm convinced it's what gets us through the long winter without falling into the doldrums.  It's not just for my kids' mental health. It's also for mine. 

Going out when it's sunny is key 

While I'd always lived in big cities, my husband and I decided four years ago to move from Los Angeles to Alaska to be more connected with nature. The slow life of our remote island life has had immense benefits for us all, but the winters can be difficult because of the short days and how cold it can get.

If it's sunny, we go outside. This may mean that I postpone a meeting. It may mean that lunch happens on an overturned cooler in the grass. Our front yard is ready for action at all times. A toy dump truck and excavator await mud, leaves, or snow; broken up sticks are ready to throw to the puppy; the swings can be brushed clean of snow or wiped of rain in five seconds flat. We have enough happening that a child can be distracted from a fleeting thought of going back inside by a simple change in activity.

On the days we're outside in the sun, my kids seem to sleep better. They're less snippy with each other in the early evenings, less cranky at bedtime.

Of course, there are all those other times when it's not so pleasant outside. Still, I force us out many days. We go to the playground or meet friends at a hiking trail with a thermos of tea and a moderately enthusiastic attitude.

The goal is modest: Be outside for an hour. Cold, drizzly playdates can be uncomfortable, so I've learned to bring several changes of clothes. We are almost never miserable. 

It's not just being outside that helps

If being outside is key to our winter happiness, what we do inside matters, too.

When I find myself descending into serious crankiness, often brought on by equally cranky children, I stop whatever I'm doing and do a very silly dance. I have done this more than once while on a work call, which makes my children laugh even harder.

My husband is the expert at singing a song related to whatever questionable behavior the kids are engaged in. Rhyming, as well as verses that make sense, is discouraged. If we have time in those moments, we take the opportunity of a change in mood to play physical games — versions of Simon Says or Mother, May I? that force the kids out of their heads and into their bodies.

Laughter increases oxygen intake, stimulates blood circulation, and relaxes muscles; it's our indoor stress-reliever. 

When it comes time to settle for bed, my 8-year-old does best with a mindfulness practice. While I'm reading to her brother, I'll often hear her counting as she inhales and exhales or see her twisting her hands like she's turning a faucet on and off, another breathing exercise she likes.

Sometimes, she can't settle down, and I do a mediation with her. I'm no expert, so I make it up as I go: I just take us on a walk in our minds — somewhere beautiful — and describe it. 

Fresh air, movement, laughter, and deep breathing are simple ways to keep my kids happy in the winter — but they're as much for me as for anyone. I know I'm a better parent when I'm calm and regulated, and that makes wintertime happier for all of us.

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