• I'm a mom of three kids and have always been very careful with what words I use around them. 
  • I've always been overweight and recently had to lose weight because of health concerns. 
  • I didn't have a healthy relationship with food, and now I'm talking openly about it with my kids. 

I've always been a proponent of body positivity. Having worked with teenagers for decades, I know how easy it can be to develop body-image issues. I know multiple people who started lifelong eating disorders after one offhand comment made to them in middle school. So I've always been hypersensitive about what I say around my kids about weight, food, and bodies.  

I've been overweight for most of my adult life, but it's never really bothered me. I've always been confident in who I am, regardless of what size jeans I wore, and I've always been healthy. But about two years ago, I found myself in a place where I needed to lose weight for my health. Not to look a certain way, but to be able to be more active with my kids. 

At first, I tried to do better with exercise, which helped, but eventually I realized I needed to examine my eating habits, too. So I started this pretty intense nutrition journey, which was hard, of course. But what I found a whole lot harder was figuring out how to talk to my kids about it. 

I was very aware of the words I used

They were 13, 10, and 8 — prime ages for sensitivity to comments about weight or counting calories. So I was super careful about what I said and did, because they're soaking up everything. 

I never used the word "diet" because I know how toxic diet culture is. I intentionally didn't cut anything out completely — not sweets, not carbs, not wine. I just controlled my portions and switched out higher-calorie things for lower-calorie options — like a smaller portion of meat and more veggies, or switching out beef for fish. Still, my 8-year-old daughter held up a cookie and asked, "Is this on your diet?" 

I wasn't using the word "diet" with her, but someone was. 

As calmly as possible, I said: "I'm not on a diet. I'm just working on making healthier choices." 

I tried to make it clear that I was getting healthier

And it only got harder when I started visibly losing weight. I can't tell you the number of times a well-meaning friend exclaimed, "You're getting so skinny!" 

If my kids were within earshot, I made sure to say, "The goal isn't skinny, it's healthy!" Then to them, "Right?"

But then my 13-year-old son started asking me how many calories were in things, and I panicked. "You don't need to worry about calories!" I said.

But the thing is, I had realized that, for me, not worrying about calories had gotten me to where I was, which wasn't a healthy place. Yes, diet culture is toxic, but I had developed an unhealthy relationship with food in the other direction. And I didn't want that for my kids either. 

I know it's cheesy to call weight loss a "journey," but that's what it was for me. Not about numbers on a scale or dress sizes, but learning why I was making unhealthy choices. It was like going to couples counseling for my relationship with food. 

I learned about unhealthy patterns I developed in childhood that I wanted to help them avoid, and how unhealthy our whole culture is when it comes to food, but how hard it is to see that when it's the water you're swimming in. I wanted to share that with them in a positive, helpful way that wasn't shaming.

So we don't talk about portion control, but we do talk about listening to your body. I don't force certain foods, but I try to show them that healthy foods can taste good. We don't make a big deal about sweets, but we do talk openly about how much sugar is in soda, which doesn't make it "bad" but explains why we only drink it once in a while. My son is getting into weightlifting, and we're researching a healthy way to do it instead of following whatever the TikTok influencers say.

I'm not really sure I'm doing it right. But I'm trying to talk it through with them instead of letting them drown in the toxic water — on either side.

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