Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is screened at a metal detector at the doors of the House of Representatives Chamber on January 12, 2021.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is screened at a metal detector at the doors of the House of Representatives Chamber on January 12, 2021.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
  • For 10 months, every House member has had to pass through metal detectors before entering the chamber.
  • Insider asked Democrats if they still thought it was necessary.
  • Rep. Ritchie Torres said the devices were "degrading" and Rep. Tom Malinowski said they don't offer real security.

Ten months have elapsed since metal detectors were installed outside every entrance to the House Chamber, spurred by the trauma of the January 6 assault on the US Capitol and fears of Republicans bringing guns onto the floor.

But now, even some Democrats have grown tired of their presence.

"I find it degrading that as a member of Congress I have to go through metal detectors," said Rep. Ritchie Torres, a freshman Democrat from New York. "Even when I use the bathroom, I have to go through metal detectors."

"I think it impedes the business of Congress," Torres continued. "It takes us much longer to enter the House floor, and I see no reason for it."

"I think they were an important psychological reassurance after the traumatic events of January 6th," said Rep. Tom Malinowski of New Jersey. "But as a practical security measure they don't make a lot of sense to me, given what the actual threats are."

"I think it would be good for the comity of the place to focus on real security, not optical security," he added.

But most other Democrats remained supportive of the increased screening measures.

"I think it's a good thing," said Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez, another freshman Democrat. "It's not that big of a nuisance, you end up having lovely conversations with people you're in line with."

Though it has always been illegal for members of Congress to bring guns onto the floor, members were previously exempt from the security screening that staff and visitors must undergo to enter the Capitol building, potentially allowing them to bring guns to the floor undetected. Rep. Chip Roy said in February that many of his colleagues have done just that.

But that changed in January, when the House voted on party lines to impose fines deducted directly from members' paychecks for evading the security screening outside the chamber: $5,000 for the first offense, $10,000 for further offenses.

Republicans have been far louder than Democrats in their condemnation of the new security measures; one reportedly assaulted a Capitol police officer the day they were installed, and a handful of members, mostly Republicans, have been issued fines. Two others have sued the House Sergeant at Arms after being fined multiple times.

Meanwhile, Republican Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland was accused of trying to bring a gun to a chamber entrance in January, while Rep. Madison Cawthorn said he was armed during the January 6 insurrection and Rep. Lauren Boebert, owner of a Colorado restaurant called "Shooters Grill," signaled that she would carry a gun at the Capitol.

"These radical Republicans are what made them required, and ultimately the decision to keep them should be up to the Capitol Police," said Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts.

'I think there are some members who are threats to our safety'

Lawmakers form a line outside of the east entrance to the House Chamber on September 24, 2021.
Lawmakers form a line outside of the east entrance to the House Chamber on September 24, 2021.
Bryan Metzger/Insider

At the heart of the debate over metal detectors is the question of basic workplace safety. While some members don't seem to fear the prospect of House colleagues carrying guns, others remain on edge about the prospect of violence. Rep. Jared Huffman of California, for example, led a failed effort to ban guns from the Capitol in 2018.

Some members, like Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York, say they may find the security measures unpleasant but stop short of calling for changes, fearing the implications.

"Every single time I walk through this metal detector, I'm triggered as I think about my experience as a high school guidance counselor," said Bowman, who said he used to have to screen predominantly black and brown students as part of his old job.

"I think it's very revealing that we need them in the United States House of Representatives, because some members refuse to not bring firearms onto the floor, as if there would be some sort of situation or conflict with your colleague where you would need a firearm, right?" Bowman added.

But many of the House Democrats that Insider spoke with brushed off the presence of the detectors.

"To be honest, I'm a millennial and most of us had to go through metal detectors to go to school every day, so I'm not sure why people think this is such a big deal," said Rep. Sara Jacobs of California.

"We haven't lost any members, have we?" quipped Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon of Pennsylvania.

Rep. Veronica Escobar of Texas - who's spoken publicly about seeking therapy following the events of January 6 - said she'd like to see security measures increased, with members facing screening at entrances to the building rather than just the chamber.

"I think there are some members who are threats to our safety," Escobar told Insider.

But asked about other these concerns, Rep. Torres pushed back, saying that the devices make little sense as practical security measure. "Where do you draw the line? You could, in theory, install metal detectors at every entrance to every office."

For now, there doesn't appear to be any imminent plan to remove the devices. Reached for comment, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hamill referenced news stories about Reps. Cawthorn and Harris while directing Insider to comments Pelosi made at a prior press conference.

"As long as there is a threat, we'll have to have protection," Pelosi said in June.

US Capitol Police, the House Sergeant at Arms, and the House Administration Committee did not respond to requests for comment.

Read the original article on Business Insider