As the coronavirus spreads, working from home is the new reality for many US workers.

With more than 136,000 infected with the virus, companies are closing their doors to reduce the spread of infections. Big tech companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter announced that much of their workforce won’t be coming into the office – instead, they will be working remotely.

If your employer has unexpectedly shut down, you may feel lost navigating remote work.

Some of the biggest challenges for employers include workers struggling with loneliness, managing their time, and communication among staff members. What’s more, as schools and colleges shut down across the US, working parents must juggle company and family priorities.

While this all can be tough, finding a strategy that works can help you make it through.

Here are the best ways to stay productive and lead a team while working from home, based on advice from CEOs, freelancers, and experts who've done it.

How to manage an abrupt shift: 4 tips to make a team's sudden switch to remote work successful if coronavirus panic is shutting your office and forcing everyone to stay home

Best tools for managing remote teams: 6 CEOs and executives who've been managing remote teams for years share the tools they use to keep their employees motivated and happy

Improving communication between remote workers: If you're working from home, here's exactly how to collaborate across teams and improve your remote meetings

Handling life as a remote worker: 8 tips for crushing your job while working from home, from 6 leaders who have worked remotely for years

Keeping track of your mental health: How to keep yourself happy and productive if you're working from home because of the coronavirus outbreak

How to rock your remote interview: 8 tips to nailing a video job interview in the age of coronavirus

A freelancer's best work from home tips: 5 work-from-home freelancers who earn over $100,000 a year from their sofas share how they stay productive while making bank