ebay package
It's possible to track an eBay order if the seller has provided tracking information.
  • You can track an eBay order and follow along as your purchase makes its way to you, as long as the seller has provided tracking information. 
  • eBay shippers are not required to offer tracking information, but at a minimum, you will be able to see the seller’s processing time and an expected range of delivery dates.
  • You can also contact the seller if a package has not arrived or you want additional tracking information. 
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While the practice is a common courtesy, eBay sellers are not required to send their buyers tracking information. 

Sellers do have to state the number of days it will take them to process an order, and you know ahead of time what shipment service they will use and the likely number of days shipping will take, but sometimes all you can hope for is a window of time in which you expect your order to arrive.

In most cases, though, eBay sellers proactively provide tracking information that makes it easy to follow your order from shipment, through delivery, and right to your door.

Here’s how to track eBay shipments for which tracking has been provided. 

How to track an eBay order

1. Log into your eBay account and hover over “My eBay” at the top right corner of the homepage, then click “Purchase History” from the menu.

2. Locate the item you want to track, and note that its shipment status will usually be displayed beside the image — something like "This item has been shipped" or "Delivered on..."

You can see general tracking information in your Purchase history.
Steven John/Business Insider

3. For more specifics, click on the displayed tracking number itself, or click the "More actions" link and select "View order details."

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Click on View order details under More actions.
Steven John/Business Insider

On this page, you can contact the seller of your item if you want additional tracking information or if it hasn't arrived yet. 

You can contact the seller or get more shipping details.
Steven John/Business Insider

If you click on "+ Show shipping details" you'll also be able to view a more detailed breakdown tracking your package all the way from shipment to successful delivery. 

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You can see more shipping details here.
Steven John/Business Insider

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