Prices are accurate at the time of publication.

  • The best way to light a charcoal grill is with a chimney starter.
  • If you don't have a chimney starter, layer charcoal over newspaper and ignite with a long lighter.
  • Once the charcoal turns grayish-white, you're ready to start grilling.

Starting a charcoal grill isn't quite as straightforward as turning on a stove, so Matt Groark of Groark Boys BBQ and Liam and Myles Snider of Mother Tongue break down the steps below, along with the do's and don'ts.

Below you'll find easy step-by-step instructions to light a grill, whether you're using a chimney starter, lighter fluid, or no lighter fluid at all, plus how you should go about arranging your coals for a perfect cook. 

How to choose the right charcoal

When choosing charcoal you'll want to find the right type for whatever it is you are cooking. Lump charcoal burns cleaner, hotter, and faster, while traditional briquettes burn slower and not as hot, according to Groark.

Lump Charcoal Briquettes
Irregularly shaped charcoal made from natural hardwood Similarly shaped pieces of compressed coal dust or other combustible material
Less ash More ash
Hotter burn Cooler burn
Faster burn Slower burn
Natural and more expensive Less expensive
Good for shorter cooks like vegetables, thin-cut meats, etc. Good for longer cooks like steak, full birds, etc.

How much charcoal to use depends on your goals

Just as the type of charcoal may vary depending on what you are cooking, the amount of charcoal also changes depending on the temperature and cook time necessary for your dish. For most everyday cooks, Groark recommends half to 3/4 of a charcoal chimney

While half to 3/4 of a chimney is a pretty safe rule of thumb, remember: too little charcoal could mean your grill doesn't get hot enough while too much charcoal could mean it gets too hot. 

If you don't have a chimney, use as much coal as you need to cover the bottom of whatever space you are cooking atop. If the charcoal starts to burn down on longer cooks, add more to the pile and keep grilling.

Amount of Charcoal Temperature Cook Time Grill Size
¼ chimney Low heat Slow Small, Medium, or Large
½ to ¾ chimney Medium heat Moderate Medium or Large
¾ to 1 chimney High heat Fast Large

How to use a charcoal chimney 

Using a chimney starter to light charcoal is the preferred method of most grilling experts. Foto: Alphotographic/Getty Images

Charcoal chimney starters are the preferred way to start a charcoal grill for most people. To start a charcoal grill using a chimney starter:

1. Fill the chimney with charcoal. Add as much charcoal as necessary for the food you're cooking (see chart above).

2. Place lighter cubes, newspaper, or paper towels under the chimney. Add one of these to the chamber underneath the chimney. This will serve as your starter.

3. Light the starter. Use a long lighter to spare your fingers. If you're using newspaper or paper towels, consider adding a few drops of cooking oil to help ignite it.

4. Wait for the charcoal to ignite. This should take about 12 to 15 minutes. You'll eventually see an amber glow and the top layer of charcoal will turn grayish-white.

5. Dump the lit charcoal into the grill. Once ignited, carefully dump the lit charcoal into the grill (under the grate) in your preferred arrangement (see below) and begin cooking.

How to light charcoal without lighter fluid or a chimney

Arrange balled-up newspaper under your charcoal and light it with a long lighter if you don't have a chimney starter. Foto: Glasshouse Images/Getty Images

If you don't have a chimney starter, another reliable, yet simple option for starting a charcoal grill is the newspaper method. 

1. Place newspaper under the grill grate. Ball up newspaper and place it wherever you wish to place your charcoal. If you plan to have multiple heat zones, place the newspaper in each location charcoal will be. Sprinkle a bit of cooking oil on the newspaper to help it ignite.

2. Arrange the charcoal around the newspaper. Use enough charcoal to cover the newspaper sufficiently while still allowing airflow to encourage ignition.

3. Light the newspaper. Find a piece of exposed newspaper and light it with a long lighter. Remember to light your newspaper in every zone you established.

4. Wait for the charcoal to ignite. This will take a bit longer than it would with a charcoal chimney but the charcoal should all ignite within about 15 minutes. Keep your grill open to let oxygen feed the fire. You're ready to grill once your charcoal is grayish-white.

How to start a charcoal grill with lighter fluid

According to the experts, this is the least recommended of the three charcoal grill starting methods. Not only can it be dangerous, but it can also affect the taste of your food if not executed properly.

According to the Snider brothers, "many brands of lighter fluid are known to contain harmful chemical compounds that don't break down easily," which means they may end up in your food and potentially even make your food taste bad. For the same reason, they also suggest avoiding instant-light charcoal.

Should this be your only option, though, Groark reassures that, "As long as you allow [the lighter fluid] to burn off to that amber glow, you will taste nothing but that classic charcoal flavor."

1. Arrange charcoal on the grill. Place your charcoal in your preferred arrangement.

2. Douse the middle of the pile(s) in lighter fluid. Use approximately 1/4 cup of lighter fluid per pound of charcoal.

3. Light with a long lighter. Let the lighter fluid soak in for about 30 seconds first, and back up when lighting in case of a flare-up.

4. Let the charcoal burn until it is grayish-white. This should take about 15 minutes.

How to arrange your charcoal for optimum temperature control

Now that you know how to light your charcoal, you'll also want to choose the best charcoal arrangement to properly prepare whatever food you are grilling.

Foto: Marianne Ayala/Insider

Simple one-zone arrangement

Charcoal is arranged in a bed across the entire bottom of the grill. This is the most basic configuration but provides only direct heat.

When to use it: For grilling only food(s) that require direct, fast cooking.

Classic two-zone arrangement 

Charcoal is arranged in the center of the grill or off to one side. This creates a two-zone configuration with a "hot zone" for searing and fast cooking over direct heat and a "cool zone" for slower cooking and resting foods over indirect heat. "[The cool zone] also gives you an area to move your food in case of flame flare-ups," the Sniders say.

When to use it: For grilling a variety of foods that require different temperatures and time cooking or to have the flexibility of being able to control the temperature as you grill.

Snake method

Unlit charcoal is arranged in a 300-degree circle around the perimeter of the grill with no charcoal in the middle. Lit charcoal briquettes are added to either end of the "snake" to ignite the charcoal over time and maintain steady heat for a long cook.

When to use it: For slow cooking or smoking foods for a long period of time.

Minion method

Unlit charcoal is arranged around a center pile of lit charcoal. The unlit charcoal slowly ignites over time for a steadier slow cook.

When to use it: For slow cooking or smoking foods for a long period of time.

When is charcoal ready to grill?

Charcoal should be grayish-white with no visible flame before you start grilling. Foto: Tetra Images/Getty Images

When the charcoal turns grayish-white, you'll know it's ready to begin cooking. If you start grilling before this, the Sniders point out that the biggest consequence will be less heat.

"One of the biggest advantages of charcoal grills versus stovetops is that charcoal can get much hotter," the brothers say. "This allows you to achieve an incredible sear on meats and vegetables and creates new reactions that develop deep flavor. If you don't wait long enough for your charcoal to light up, you won't get this advantage."

How to put out a charcoal grill

Putting out your grill after you're done cooking on it is the safest and most economical action you can take. Not only are you taking steps to prevent accidental fires, but you might end up with some leftover charcoal to use for future grilling escapades. 

Here's the safest way to put out a charcoal grill: 

1. Put the lid on the grill. To extinguish coals once you are done cooking, put the lid on the grill and shut the vents to prevent oxygen from feeding the coals. 

2. Let it cool and safely dispose. After you have waited for the charcoal to cool completely, which can take up to 48 hours, you can safely dispose of them. Once the ashes are cool, wrap them in aluminum foil and put them in the trash.

3. Clean your grill. From here, you can give your grill a good cleaning to get it ready for your next meal.

Insider's takeaway

Though it may seem intimidating, lighting a charcoal grill is simple. Choose the charcoal type, lighting method, and amount that works for the food you are cooking and the size of your grill. Then decide how to arrange the charcoal in the grill.

Experts agree that using the chimney starter lighting method and cooking on a classic two-zone arrangement will give you the most control over safety, temperature, and amount of time grilling.

Above all else? Don't overthink it and enjoy the process. As Groark says, "nothing brings back the nostalgia of one's childhood cookout more than the smell and flavor of a meal grilled over charcoal."

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