Organizing a messy digital drive can be a challenge. Managing your digital files inevitably involves organizing them into folders with meaningful names.

Luckily, Google Docs offers a quick way to add folders right from a document you’re working on. All files you create at are also automatically added to your account’s Google Drive.

Here’s how to add folders to organize your Google Docs files.

How to make folders in Google Docs

1. While you’re logged into your Google account, go to

2. From your Google Docs home page, double-click to open one of your documents.

3. Click the folder icon at the top, next to your document's title, to create a new folder. In some cases there may be a Google Drive icon instead - it looks a bit like a triangle with flat edges. If so, still click it.

4. A menu will open. Click the icon at the bottom of the menu that looks like a folder with a plus sign on it.


Foto: You can create a new folder from this small menu.sourceMichelle Greenlee/Business Insider

5. Name your new folder and click the check mark next to the naming text box.


Foto: Type and confirm your folder's name.sourceMichelle Greenlee/Business Insider

6. Now your new folder is ready to use. You can click the blue "Move here" button to move the Doc you're currently in to the new folder.

Folders created in Google Docs will automatically show up in Google Drive.

How to create a new Google Doc inside a Google Drive folder

Creating a new Google Doc inside a folder is quick and easy and can be done in just two clicks.

1. From your Google Drive homepage, double-click to open a folder.

2. Click the plus sign icon in the top-left of the screen, and click "Google Docs" to create a new document.


Foto: While in your Google Drive folder, create a Google Doc.sourceMichelle Greenlee/Business Insider

3. Your new document will be automatically placed in the folder you created it in.

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