- Spider mites are stubborn pests that can feed on your houseplant's tissue and sap.
- They thrive in warm, dry environments with low humidity levels.
- To eradicate spider mites, quarantine your plant and treat it with a natural insecticide.
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Pests on houseplants are one of the handful of issues many plant lovers deal with. Spider mites are one of those pests that can be a persistent nuisance and tough to get rid of without the proper care.
Angelo Randaci, master gardener and horticulture expert at Earth's Ally, shares his best tips on how to get rid of spider mites and keep them from invading your houseplants.
Identifying spider mites

Spider mites are technically not insects, but are relatives of spiders, scorpions, and ticks.
"They feed on plant tissues and sap," says Randaci. "Severe spider mite infestations will damage the plant tissue and often cause the leaves to yellow as they weaken."
While spider mites can be quite difficult to spot without a magnifying glass, Randaci says the main sign to look for is stippling, which refers to tiny brown specks on the surface of the leaves caused by the mites' piercing mouths when feeding on the leaves. As the spider mites extract essential fluids from the leaves, small yellow spots will appear, eventually turning brown.
Another more common sign of spider mites, which indicates a heavy infestation, are thin layers of webs on the stems and undersides of leaves.
How to get rid of spider mites
With early detection and the right controls, Randaci says spider mites can be completely eradicated, especially once you've isolated and quarantined the infected plant. If there is more than one infected plant, Randaci recommends isolating them separately to avoid any mite transfer.
"Once you have identified spider mites, isolate any infested plants from healthy plants, checking any surrounding plants for further infestations, and spray the infected plant down with water using a garden hose with a specialty nozzle for force and accuracy, or wipe down the entire plant with a damp cloth," says Randaci. "Once dry, follow up with an insect control formula, fully saturating the stems, leaves, and undersides of the plant."
Insecticides are substances made with either naturally or chemically derived sources meant to kill insects, and they'll work against spider mites. Choosing the right insecticide can be key in not only getting rid of a spider mite infestation, including the eggs, but can prevent a spread or a return.
While chemical insecticides can be successful in eradicating severe infestations, their high levels of toxicity can be harmful to both plants and humans.
Natural products like neem oil and essential oil-based products are popular and effective alternatives to commercial insecticides. "They kill both the mites and their eggs more effectively through both suffocation and paralysis," says Randaci. "As an added bonus, essential oils are safe and smell good when houseplants are brought back inside."
Randaci recommends following up treatment three days after applying insecticide to get rid of any remaining spider mites or their eggs. If the climate in your region is hot and dry, Randaci suggests treating your infected houseplant multiple times since spider mites reproduce most rapidly in this type of weather.
How to save a plant with spider mite damage

Noticing spider mites and their damaging effects may not be the end of the road for your houseplant. Most plants will recover with early detection, proper treatment, and some added humidity and moisture to prevent the spider mites from surviving.
"Although spider mite blemishes will remain on foliage once damage has occurred, in many cases you can remove infected stems and leaves to encourage new growth," says Randaci.
If spider mites remain or keep returning after several treatments, it may be time to throw away the infested plant, cleaning it one last time before discarding it.
How to stop spider mites from coming back
According to Randaci, spider mites are often brought in from newly purchased plants, traveling through the wind or even hitching a ride on skin, clothing, or pets that have come in contact with an infested plant. Because of this easy form of travel, spider mites can be quite persistent.
"The best preventative measure is to inspect your plants often for early detection," says Randaci. "When bringing new plants into your living space, keep them isolated until you are sure they are pest free. Maintain clean conditions, proper watering, and feeding."
Another way to avoid spider mites after getting rid of an infestation is to wipe down the leaves with either a light spray of insecticide on a damp cloth or a cotton swab dipped in water and insecticide every three to four weeks to repel mites and other soft-bodied pests, such as aphids.
Insider's takeaway
By exercising a watchful eye and taking precautionary measures, such as keeping a high level of humidity, you can effectively avoid future infestations. With isolation, a thorough shower, and treatment with a natural insecticide, getting rid of spider mites can be a simple process to bring your plant back to its original green glory.