- Monstera deliciosa is native to the tropical rainforests of Mexico and Central America.
- The most common monstera types have heart-shaped leaves and naturally formed leaf holes.
- This houseplant, while beautiful and bold, is toxic to pets.
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The grandiose Monstera deliciosa, commonly referred to as the Swiss cheese plant, is beloved for its large and attractive perforated leaves. Native to the rainforests of southern Mexico and Central America, this tropical plant can grow several feet tall, both in the wild and as houseplants.
Kierslyn Kujawa, plant expert and founder of Planted in Pots, shares her best care tips for this popular houseplant to keep it looking like the showstopper it is.
Common monstera varieties
The most popular monstera varieties are deliciosa and adansonii, known as the Swiss cheese vine, which has more holes on its smaller, oval-shaped leaves than deliciosa. These varieties are often found at local nurseries and gardening sections of home improvement stores, but there are dozens of monstera types, including variegated or speckled ones.
"There are over 50 different species of monstera around the world," says Kujawa. "And despite its nickname, mini monstera, or Raphidora Tetrasperma, is not one of them."
It's a common misconception that all monsteras can be identified by the holes and splits, known as fenestrations, in their heart-shaped leaves. Some varieties like monstera dubia and monstera standleyana do not have holes or may develop them later on as they mature. However, some varieties seemingly have more holes and splits than leaf, like monstera obliqua and monstera pinnatipartita.

During the growing seasons of spring and summer, it's best to water monsteras thoroughly, letting water run through the pot's drainage hole. Aim for every one to two weeks making sure the soil is dry in between waterings. Kujawa's rule of thumb to check if your monstera needs water is to stick your finger an inch or two in the dirt; if it's dry, it's time to water.
To replicate a monstera's tropical place of origin, mist it once a week or keep a humidifier nearby. "They are naturally tropical, so they'll really thrive in humidity," says Kujawa.
Potting and fertilizer
Monsteras require well-draining and slightly acidic soil. Kujawa recommends an aroid soil mix, which is a specific potting soil meant for plants in the Araceae family. If a homemade potting mix is not an option, store-bought soil that contains peat moss is a good alternative.
A monstera's root system is famously intricate, containing both subterranean and aerial roots. This plant's aerial roots are quite thick and will grow out of the plant's nodes as a way to increase water access and anchor it to a support, like a moss pole or coco coir pole. Snipping some aerial roots for aesthetics will not hurt the plant, but losing too many aerial roots will cause a lack of support.
"Don't repot it too often and don't put it in too large of a planter," says Kujawa. "When you give a plant too much space in the planter, they're more prone to root rot and will focus more energy on growing their roots instead of the leaves."
Feeding a monstera during the growing season is the best way to keep it healthy, hardy, and lush. A balanced 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength every two to three weeks during spring and summer is the optimal way to keep a monstera flourishing.
"I give my monstera slow-release food twice a year and then during growing season alternate between worm castings and seaweed/fish fertilizer every two to three weeks in small amounts," says Kujawa.
Light and temperature

In the wild, monsteras are classified as hemiepiphyte which means they grow upward as they climb the trunks of trees. In this environment, monstera leaves adapt to the dappled shade provided by the canopy of trees, so giving it bright, indirect light indoors will help it thrive.
Monsteras can adapt to more light, according to Kujawa, but never leave them in direct sunlight for more than an hour. It can burn the leaves.
Keeping a monstera indoors requires temperate conditions between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. When grown outdoors, a monstera prefers a replica of its natural habitat of mostly shade.
Common problems
Like all houseplants, monsteras are susceptible to pests and diseases including mealybugs, aphids, scale, and spider mites. Kujawa recommends always keeping a watchful eye and looking out for signs such as discoloration and dying leaves. She also suggests regularly cleaning both sides of the leaves and stems with a damp cloth.
"If you do see pests, try to determine what kind it is," says Kujawa. "That will tell you how to treat your plant and how frequently."
Once the pest or disease has been determined, a natural insecticidal treatment can be used regularly. Always quarantine the infected plant away from other plants to avoid spread.
Since monsteras can be such fast growers, pruning encourages new, healthy growth and the pruned stems can also be propagated. The best time to prune a monstera is just before the growing season begins in the spring. Always cut below the node, which is the area where new growth originates.
When it comes to pruning a monstera for looks, Kujawa says it all depends on the look you want to achieve.
"Do you want a wild Monstera that's taking up a large space in your home? Do you have limited space and want it to look a bit more tamed? Are you training it up a moss pole? These answers will all determine how much to prune it," says Kujawa. "When you do decide to make the cut, just make sure to use sharp, clean scissors or plant shears."
Insider's takeaway
A simple yet consistent care routine can allow any monstera to reward you with plenty more of its lush, unique leaves. With bright, indirect light, thorough waterings every week or two, and a well-draining soil, the wild and distinguished monstera deliciosa can flourish healthily in any space, big or small.