• To find your archived emails in Gmail, use the search bar at the top of your Gmail window or the “All Mail” function.
  • When you archive an email in Gmail, it is removed from view in your inbox, but it is not deleted and can be retrieved and unarchived at any time.
  • Deleting an email sends it to your Gmail’s trash folder, where it will be permanently erased after 30 days, or when you manually permanently delete it.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

On any given weekday, I start the morning staring down the barrel of at least three dozen new emails.

So, that’s why it’s important to do anything I can to keep my inbox as organized as possible.

One of the best ways to do this is to archive emails. Gmail allows you to use the archive function to remove emails from view in your inbox without deleting them. That way, the emails in your inbox are reduced, but available if you need them.

So, here’s how to find an email that you’ve archived on Gmail.

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How to find archived emails in Gmail

The simplest way to find an archived email is to type the email address of the sender, or a few words you know are in the email's subject or body, into the search bar at the top of the Gmail page on your Mac or PC.

How to find archived emails in Gmail

Foto: Use the search bar at the top of the page in Gmail. Source: Steven John/Business Insider

Gmail will find and display emails whether they are in your inbox, sent messages, archived, and so forth.

You can also use the "All Mail" option to show all of your email at the same time, which includes new emails, those in the trash, sent messages, and of course archived email.

1. To show all of your emails in Gmail, click on "More" with a downward arrow beside it in the column to the left of your email.

2. Then, click "All Mail" and scroll through your entire Gmail trove, including archived emails.

How to find archived emails in Gmail

Foto: Click "All Mail." Source: Steven John/Business Insider

To unarchive any archived email, select the "Move to Inbox" option, which is shaped like a square with a downward pointing arrow, in the toolbar above the archived message.

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