- Spam robocalls are on the rise, with billions of people getting them every month in the US.
- Spam calls can be highly profitable, and many target seniors and the infirm.
- Here's one simple way to send spam calls to your voicemail on Androids and iPhones.
With billions of spam calls hitting American phones each month and often targeting the most vulnerable people, one easy adjustment on your cell phone can prevent you from ever listening to yet another robotic voice warning you that the warranty on your vehicle is expired.
If you have an iPhone, here's how to filter out unwanted calls and send them directly to your voicemail, according to MARCA:
1. Click on the Settings app in your phone.
2. Click on the green "Phone" icon about halfway from the top on the Settings app.
3. Choose "Silence Unknown Callers."
4. Toggle the "Silence Unknown Callers" option to "On."*
*Keep in mind if you go with this option, you do risk missing a call from unknown callers who aren't spam, such as delivery drivers.
If you have an Android, you have a couple options for stopping spam calls. One is to download Google's Phone app.
1. Download the latest version of Google's Phone app.
2. Click on the three dots in the top right hand corner, before clicking on "Settings," and then "Caller ID and Spam."
3. Click "Turn Caller ID & Spam" to turn it on.
4. Select "Filter suspected spam calls" to send those calls directly to your voicemail.*
*Keep in mind if you go with this option, you do risk missing a call from unknown callers who aren't spam, such as delivery drivers.
Your other option is to filter out individual spam callers.
1. Open the contact information for the person whose calls you want to send to voicemail.
2. Choose the Menu option and click on Options.
3. Check the box next to the option "Incoming Calls: send calls directly to voicemail."
Roughly half of Americans report being bombarded by spam calls every day of the week, and court decisions have paved the way for telemarketers to continue flooding your phone with automated calls.
Other ways to stem the tid of spam calls include downloading third-party robocall blockers, joining the Do Not Call Registry, using your phone carrier's tools to block unwanted calls, or using the "Do Not Disturb" option on iPhones.